This time I am writing on an unimportant incident but a very important issue . Few days back a girl student from Ranchi (My Home town) named RICHA BHARTI posted something which was Unethical and hurt the sentiments of Islam religion . She tried to undermine ISLAM by raising a question that why only Muslim go on to become Terrorists . Within 2-3 hrs she was arrested just as anyone else would have been if had done something similar and hence she was in Jail for 3 days . Since it was not a Heinous Crime the Ranchi high court agreed to grant her a Bail but a conditional one . She was ordered to distribute 5 QURANS in any . This is the point from where all this Controversial Drama started .
In my opinion this was a brilliant decision as the motive of the court behind this decision was that the Hate which she has in her mind towards Islam will lessen down a bit and she will develop a bit only but a Soft Corner if she visits Islamic institutions and visits Muslims at the grass root level . Forget about what was the intention of the court ; just think practically , if one is arrested , what comes in his mind is I need to get out at ANY Cost . Then suddenly I have been asked to distribute QURANs and get free . What will be one’s reaction ; “Phew , just distribute 5 QURANs and I’ll be free , not a big deal , let me do it fast and get out of all this” . But this was not what came in the minds of RICHA BHARTI . She and the whole lot of HINDU Brigade found it so so Communal and Anti-Hindu that they even compared it with adopting Islam .
She refused to distribute QURAN’s stating that “Today they are asking to distribute QURAN , then they will ask to offer NAMAZ and then to adopt Islam . There are many Muslims writing Offensive for Hinduism they are not asked to distribute GITA” . First of all I would like to ask from which bloody angle did she established these high level connections . A Criminal has no right to say why other Criminals are not being punished , you are a terrorist accept your Fate . Not just her the whole Hindu Brigade lead by our ruling party was behind it with full support . It shows how much Hate , Envy and Poison they have for the Islam religion . Being a Hindu they don’t even want to touch Muslim materials as if it’s untouchable . Only that can be the possible explanation for this behaviour . The way everyone was trending #IAmWithRicha and #SaveHindu as if she has been a victim of tremendous torture or has won INDIA a Gold Medal in Olympics . The judge who pronounced the order was also being highly criticised as if he has given a death sentence to the victim women in Rape case .
Finally BURAI KI JEET HUI and her conditional Bail was made unconditional and she was no longer obliged to distribute QURAN’s . I even heard that the judge who pronounced the order will suffer some setbacks from the upper level . Wasn’t it surprising that police itself was saying that Court should not pass orders which can’t be implemented . I mean what is this , you are police and you can’t implement the orders then who will . Other than this what is more dangerous is this case is just look at the power this HINDU BRIGADE has hiding under the belt of ruling party . They can force the court to change decisions . They can suddenly make police in their favour as few days ago police was against her when she was arrested and now they are standing for her . They can make YOU completely believe that whatever they do is right and for greater good of HINDUism which has suddenly in Danger nowadays . The oldest religion which survived all invasions , hostilities and civilisation ha suddenly come under serious threat right from 2014 .
One of the biggest concern regarding this case was how Judiciary lost out to rising outrage of a particular community . The other concern was the massive support in support of this useless girl . I don’t know just for self satisfying their religious ego how far will the people go without even thinking what they are doing . They’ll support anyone who is undermining Muslims as they themselves want to . A lame argument given in favour of her was that everyone has right to post anything one wants ; ie , FREE SPEECH . Yes I too agree with it but there is a line for everything , when anyone’s INDEPENDENT posts hurt the sentiments of other religion , community or personality then the man deserves an Accountability . If not then you criticise TUKDE TUKDE Gang who shouted “AFZAL HUM SHARMIJDA HAIN TERE KAATIL ZINDA HAIN” . They are also exhibiting free speech but as soon as it crossed the line , actions were taken so should have been in this case as well .
Another point needs to be discussed here is that the ease with which people mock other religions as Terror Hub . The biggest victim on this front is always Islam and even her post was related to it asking why Only Muslims go on to become Terrorists . Actually , it can’t be said who needs to be blamed for this environment being created by our surroundings that teaches us to be so proud of our religion that if we just TOUCH the items of other religion , it’s a SIN . From where does this start ; of course WHATSAPP University and other social media platforms . I have myself seen and experienced some extremely Hateful posts and comments . There are also posts targeting HINDU and other religions but 90% are surely the ones targetting ISLAM as were the ones I encountered . Actually not just Hate a strange kind of environment is being created where India will be transformed into a HINDU country undermining and crushing the other religions . In my opinion whenever anyone hurts other religions sentiments he must be as a punishment ordered to serve in a one week camp in the religious institution of that religion only so that not only his Hate gets softened but also he learns to respect other religions seeing the grassroot level of working of that religion .
There is absolutely no doubt that our ruling party is playing an active role in this ; they will be in anything which brings Hindu dominance . Another stressing point is that why always ISLAM is easily targeted being called Terrorist religion ; citing that killing in the name of JIHAD is ordered in QURAN . Some Tweets and posts are circulated in which it’s being validated and then questions are asked “Why 99% of Terrorists are Muslims” ? First of all I would say that anyone who is sharing these posts , what’s it’s authenticity. People share anything thinking it will bring growth and prosperity to them ….. HA HA . But here I would suggest one should never ever share or post anything which will create Hate among religions and further divide two fragments of society . I have myself experienced there is way too much Hate being circulated on social media with politically motivated intentions . The only way to stop this by controlling our propensity to Share .
It’s clearly mentioned in QURAN “Whenever a man is killed , it’s cost has to borne by the whole Humanity “ . Now tell me how come QURAN teaches terrorism . I agree that many of the terrorists are Muslims being wrongly interpreted QURAN but it doesn’t mean that the whole religion will be bracketed under TERRORISM . Also while saying that only Muslims are Terrorists what about the Hindu Mobs who lynch innocent people just in the name of cow protection and nationalism . Are they any less than terrorists ; why we are not calling them one just because they don’t use Bombs , RDX and AK47s or because they chant JAI SHRI RAM in contrast to ALLAH O AKBAR by some Muslim terrorists ; or just because our government fully supports them to help their political agenda . Sorry for I have been using terms HINDU terrorist and MUSLIM terrorist but it was just to clarify it to you all . In reality , I do believe and we all should keep in mind that Terrorism has no religion . Next time before labelling a terrorist keep these very striking facts in your mind .
One is Terrorist just because one is Terrorist , there is no other reason required . But don’t fail to respect other religions and try to walk together on the INDIAN Path or else
“What the division of Indian Soil in 1947 failed to do will be successfully done by division of Indian Sole in 2019” … !!!!!
– An Article by ARUNESH SINHA