Today it’s 2020 or is it 2002 … oh … well doesn’t matter . Our mentality , our fragility , our tolerance will always going to be the same .
I genuinely thought that we all have grown up , we all have come ahead of all this Riots and Communal fights . But I have been proved wrong badly . What to write on this … we all know what happened but I am feeling so Uneasy , Sad and Angry at the same moment I can’t depict it in words .No one knows how it all started . Some say that a rumour comes of a Temple being burnt which sparks a high outrage among HINDU Extremists and the result comes as a Mosque jn Anand Vihar being burnt and Hanuman flag placed on top of it and within 2 days such instances reached a Boundary (4) . Muslim Extremists as well got the Trigger they wanted and the result was attack on Hindu areas . Suddenly the whole North-East Delhi was indulged in a high voltage Riot perhaps the worst one after 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots . On one hand where Extremists of both religion were cooking their intentions on the fire put on the lives of Innocents of both religion the People were killing each other in the name of God to quench their thirst for blood on the other hand . There were gangs who stabbed IB officer and gangs who burned down houses . An 85 year old woman was burnt alive among chants of JAI SHRI RAM . Another painful incident came when the dead body of IB Officer ANKIT SHARMA was found from a drain and postmortem suggested that the death occurred after around 40 Stabs by a Muslim mob (TAHIR HUSSAIN is a suspect whom we will come to in a while) . Just imagine the amount of hate , vengeance and mercilessness these gangs possessed .
Also , there was a Clash going on between Anti-CAA and Pro-CAA protesters which became violent and lead to all this . It’s being said that Police was also helping Pro-CAA protestors as many people belonging to BJP were present in it . Here , SHAHEEN BAGH requires a mention where the protests have been going on from the time students of Jamia were beaten up . Why not if students of any other college had been beaten up like this would the parents would have stood mum . Though there wan no case of violence or anti national slogan from Shaheen Bagh but that place was forever under the Radar of government criticism . Even 2-3 people shot bullets coming to the place after BJP politicians aggravated crowd (we will come to it in detail) . The shooters shouted “Only HINDUS will rule this country” showing what mindset was poured into them . Though after a month they were released after submission of Bail Bonds .
For people from outside it is very easy to count the numbers but on ground level those who have lost their families , houses , everything ; their loss we will never be able to compensate . Around 55 have have been killed till I was writing it , over 400 were Injured . Though the compensation has been announced to the families but the houses which were burnt and properties which were damaged also took away with them years of hard work savings of whole life . There were many factories and Bakeries which got completely damaged . They were not just a source of income but also of livelihood for many and now who knows what will happen to all of them . The ECONOMIC Angle of this Riot is also very Costly which no one will look at (25000 cr.) . Even in this distress please don’t think like a Communal that how much a HINDU lost and how much a MUSLIM . If anything is lost it’s the Trust and if anyone has lost it’s our Country .
One more very disturbing thing was observed that Police was playing very Biased game here . Maybe after their officer got killed and Muslim mobs poured acids on police personnel they got a bit more outraged , but Police NOT reaching out to places from where they were being called by the people for 48 to 72 hours citing we don’t have Orders was very surprising . Then came out the videos where a policeman was seen breaking CCTV Cameras , if nothing wrong is done then there is no point of doing so . Some videos have emerged where police is seen torturing people by beating them up saying ‘LO AZAADI’ .amongst which a video emerged showing a man injured with bullet wound and police standing around him but instead of taking him to Hospital they ask him to sing National Anthem or else they will beat him more ….. and he dies . What is this … ????? . An injured man’s report from hospital showed that there were 45 Stitches at his private part due to brutal KICKS there . A woman has even complained of a policeman opening his pants and pointing his Genitals towards her saying the same above slogan . Well … seems like 2002 na but it is 2020 .
Police is always the middleman and the medium , the main culprit are the ones governing them … we all know who . This case will not just be rembered for biased police but also for an Incompetent one . Though there were some Cops who were really doing the job honestly but that no. was way too low . The concentration was so high on KEM CHO TRUMP that all security system failed to sense any such possibility of Riot . And even after they did the SHOOT AT SIGHT order came after 2 days , or we can say they started stopping Riot with full might after 2 days when TRUMP left back for US . On being asked the DCP AMULYA PATNAIK said that we didn’t wanted to take risks or else it could have backfired . What Nonsense are you talking ? Around 40 got killed in those 2 days what else backfiring are you talking of . It was a very INCOMPETENT display by Delhi police .
The Delhi police has been under Scrutiny from long in recent times . First it was when they entered in JAMIA and beat many of innocent students . Then , they allowed attackers to go in and come out of JNU and did nothing . No arrest has taken place even till now . Not just police but the whole system of police being under Government has been under Radar now . Simply they didn’t had the political will to stop the Riots till 4 days and that’s why it all happened and once they got that will suddenly riots were stopped . If NSA (National Security Advisor) AJIT DOVAL has to roam in Delhi streets it itself speaks of the level of incompetence if Police . Also , it was very shameful that when a US President was visiting the nation , the prime minister , other part of the country was busy fighting itslef.
In between all this , AAP leader TAHIR HUSSAIN comes into radar when Petrol Bombs and other equipments required for a riot were found at the terrace of his house and even videos of Mobs entering his house . Though he said that he wasn’t at home from around 3 days before that but everything will become clear after investigation which is going on at the moment ends . But what is the problem that our Media and biased police are trying to present this whole story as if only HE was responsible for whole riot . A man named SHAHRUKH was seen shooting with gun and later arrested . OK … arrest them for sure , investigate properly and give them harsh punishment but don’t even dare to hide the Hindu mob leaders and politicians involved in this behind all this . This is not a Joke anymore .
Here we should ask was the whole riot just a matter of 3-4 days ….. NO … This Riot was waiting to happen . The atmosphere created there in past month or two during Elections have all led to this . Just look at how communal statements were being given . KAPIL MISHRA , TAJINDER BAGGA , PRAVESH VERMA all of these are sheer Criminals . How dare can you say that “If AAP wins the ones sitting at Shaheen Bagh will come and Rape you” , straightaway you wanted to label Muslims as Rapists . ANURAG THAKUR who should have concentrated on Budget then said instead “DESH KE GADDARON KO … GOLI MARO SAALON KO” . So now a Mob will label anyone as Traitor and will then shoot him , inciting mob violence . Wonder why Mob Lynching has been this government’s achievement . Well … these are small leaders our own Home Minister MOTA BHAI says “Press BJP button so hard that vote falls here but CURRENT reaches Shaheen Bagh” , once again you are straightaway categorizing Muslim peaceful protesters as someone who should be punished just because they have disagreements with Government . And then comes GIRIRAJ SINGH saying ” Our ancestors committeda big mistake all Muslims should have been sent to PAKISTAN ; situation would have been much “. For a while just imagine being an Indian Muslim and hearing these . It’s all just like writing I HATE MUSLIMS on a Dog and throwing it on the nearest Muslim available .
Not just Politicians we all , I have talked this before as well that we are becoming so Communal cooking SO much Hate for each other like LAVA that such Riots are very usual Volcanic Eruptions for them . Here are some of messages , just tell me what you all wanted to achieve by sharing these posts and what envy do you have with other religion . Not just this our Media is such a piece of Shit , everyone is so busy in licking boots that they aren’t paying attention that the Shoe is soaked with Hate , Blood and Venom (I wish last one does happen in real sense) . See such crap communal contents instil so much envy in both the religion at grass root level that no secular speech can cure it .In situation of so much distress in a country one can only look at JUDICIARY with eyes of hope . And guess what it did … but the happiness was not for long … Justice MURALIDHAR actually scolded the Delhi Police and asked why they haven’t filed FIR against BJP politicians giving hate speeches . Delhi Police said we didn’t saw giving them ; but tgen the video emerged where a policeman is seen beside KAPIL MISHRA while he was aggravating the crowd . Now , what happens will go down in History . His transfer order comes straight to Haryana HC before any action is taken . Excuse is given that it’s a Routine transfer under Collegium issued on 12th Feb only . See , no one is so Dumb to not catch the Game here and even if it’s so even then it could have been postponed at least till this Delhi Riots case keeping in mind the nature of the case . And if you can’t even do that at least his last judgment should have been respected and FIR’s should have been lodged . But what happened new judge teams up with government and gives one month time to Police to THINK whether to file the FIR or not . Instead of being behind Bars KAPIL MISHRA has been given Y Cover Security and for what achievement … losing terribly against the party he wished to destroy . Are you kidding me ? Next time do one thing fix the next hearing after next Delhi elections and THINK taking Ample time .
Even after the Riots are over the BJP politicians didn’t seemed maintaining any peace amongst the two communities . They are still sharing communal hatred , BJP IT Cells were trending things like complete Boycott of every product or service offered by a Muslim . For a surprise TAJINDER BAGGA was raising funds for Hindu victims despite knowing that people of both religion have been victimized . The argument they give is all the Muslim victims were Rioters so no need to sympathise with them . How you are so sure of that ? On one side you need 1 month to decide whether the hate speech by BJP was HATEFUL or not and on other hand you are able to identify the Rioters within a SECOND .
And now people will ask me where were you when Anti Sikh riots took place in 1984 , when Kashmiri Pandits were tortured . Why you are only pointing now . See … I was not BORN then and I am very very sorry for that . Trust me if I would have been alive I would have stood with them as well with the same or even greater might . And this is the problem of all this Nonsense going on this country . We are Legitimizing things which are absolutely wrong , unethical and Terrorism actually . Fighting for things happened in past will never progress us ahead in life . Then saying you did this he did that , your Grandfather did this , then BABAR and NEHRU did that , you are saying now not then . Just stop it … !!!!!
One thing that this Modi Government has always boasted of and even I have always praised it for was increasing our foreign and international reputation and image . But , from past few months that is definitely not the case . The UK Parliament , UN Human Rights council and many other countries and international organisations have severely criticized India’s recent communal divide . Not that simple US also warned us of complications , it’s Elections time there so they have left that but UK has cancelled new Trade deal with us saying “We can’t trade with a country doing GENOCIDE on Minorities” . The foreign media is just ROASTING us down ; they are not our GODI media why will they spare us ? Any of you watched JOHN OLIVER’s show on NaMo . It was damn funny and accurate but deep down even I was feeling a bit sad that it’s all a Mockery of my country and my prime minister which I should never tolerate . But can we object it … NO … we have given them the chance that too served hot lavishly .
I would also say one more thing to this government that just see what a mess you have created of our beautiful country . Just because of your CAA-NRC Plan which was not at all needed at the moment . At this time when the whole country should have been fighting against Economic Recession we all are busy fighting amongst ourselves . AMIT SHAH has a big failure under his belt after these Riots . I know the government won’t take the Blinders back and neither will anything get as Normal as before . This Divide have further further been highlighted and widened . And government is not the only one to be blamed … it’s WE the main culprits , government knows where OUR interest lies and where they should give more of a damn . So no point blaming anyone … just look yourself in a Mirror and sleep down .
But even in so adverse situations we have had instances where we learned the true meaning of SECULARISM which is used as an Abuse today . People formed Human Chain to safely take the students to School among CAA Violence going on . The people of SIKH community once again won everyone’s Hearts as GURUDWARAS were kept opened in the form of Relief Camps offering food and shelter to victims where anyone feeling unsafe could have gone to . People of Dalit community blocked the road to protect Muslim community behind them from Hindu mobs . Hindu and Sikh came together to protect Muslims from attack . In one place Muslims guarded the Shiv temple from Muslim mobs only till the very end and the mob had to go back . Similarly , Muslims were kept safe inside a Temple only to save them from Hindu mobs . There was an instance where a Hindu hid his Muslim neighbour inside his house and for that he was labelled JIHADI TERRORIST by other Hindus . His daughter said teary eyed that those Muslim neighbours have raised me up when my father used to go to his shop and I have grown eating food at their place .
Did you all saw this ALTERNATE piece of India , yeah , when Communal India becomes a majority this REAL India becomes an alternative piece . Tell me if these people can live like this and not allow the Rioters and Communal mindset run over them then why can’t we ? They are also from this planet only … aren’t they ? That’s why I am saying that Solution lies within us only . The India which I talked about just now is the real face of India . Whether there are as many scars on the face this is always gonna be the real face . This is the India I know , this is the India I belong to and this is the India I write for .
I have always said that this BAPU’s Country so I would end it on a positive quote of him (One of my Favs) :AAP MANAVTA MEIN VISHWAS MAT KHOIYE MANAVATA SAGAR KU TARAH HAI ….. AGAR SAGAR KI KUCH BOONDE GANDI HAI TO PURA SAGAR GANDA NAHI HO JATA … !!!!!