A comedian is caught with 86 gms of drugs and she confesses being a regular consumer of drugs, she is given bail after 2 days. 3000 kg drugs are found at Adani port, but the owners of the port have still not filed a reply at the court despite several reminders and deadlines being given. But, a 23-year-old boy has to be rot in jail for almost a month despite no drugs being found on him. Yes…the name of the boy is Aryan Khan.
The Raid on the Cruise
Well…I guess everyone must be having a detailed report of this case, but I will still present a detailed and factual display of the case. On the night of 2nd October, a cruise party takes place. One of the many members attending the party was Aryan Khan. But, while the attendees were boarding the cruise, NARCOTICS CONTROL BUREAU (NCB) who had some leads of a drugs party, enters the cruise. They detained three people initially including Aryan Khan after the raid. What was surprising here was the fact that at the time when the raid took place, everyone including the 3 detained was just boarding and the party hadn’t even started. Also, the cruise had some 1000 people and the raid which ended in just half an hour found just 3 people as ‘Potential’ druggies. The rest of them were allowed to go ahead and party hard. So, I just don’t know what kind of a raid was that.
While all of this was going on, the arguments and the case that the NCB was presenting were quite debatable. NCB itself said in the court that they have found NOTHING with Aryan Khan. Just 5 gm of CHARAS was found with Arbaaz Merchant, who is an old friend of Aryan, hidden inside his shoes Some drug pills and other drugs were found from Munmun Dhamecha and some other accused who were arrested later. Now, NCB needed to find the exact connection between all of them and how the drug connection was at work. But NCB was not able to come up with single satisfying evidence which could have proved Aryan’s crime.
WhatsApp and Conscious Possession
NCB said in the court that Aryan and others were chatting on WhatsApp “We are gonna have a Blast”. Also, some chats of Aryan about football and online poker were also quoted. Based on that, NCB was saying that they all are part of a big international drug syndicate. Now, we have heard that before I guess. NCB even claimed that Aryan has accepted that he is a regular drug consumer, but as we know that anything said during the interrogation is not admissible in the court. Similarly, we also know that WhatsApp chats too are not admissible in court as evidence, but despite that NCB has regularly shouted ‘WhatsApp…WhatsApp…WhatsApp’. Other than that, NCB was not able to bring up anything to establish any ‘logical’ connection between Aryan and others.
Another lame excuse that was used in this case was the term called ‘Conscious Possession’. NCB argued that since Arbaaz and Aryan were friends. Arbaaz having drugs means that Aryan too had it as he was ‘conscious of the ‘possession’. I mean…what kind of a crap logic was that? If I go by that logic, the whole engineering students in the hostels will be arrested. And…how about placing the logic of conscious possession on the Adani port drug bust? Since Mr Adani was the owner, he too should be charged under conscious possession. After that, the three detainees were formally arrested and NCB got their custody till the 7th of October. After that, they were sent to judicial custody, which means in the control of magistrates inside the jail.
Twist in the Tale
Till here the story seemed quite simple, a young boy who belonged to celebrity fame was arrested after a drug bust. But, the evidence that started coming after that, went on to change the whole story. A video showed a BJP member named Manish Bhanushali holding Arbaaz Merchant and a wanted fraudster KP Gosavi holding Aryan Khan and taking them to the NCB office. Another video showed both Bhanushali and Gosavi entering and exiting the NCB office with so ease as if they are regular visitors. Now, I don’t think that I need to tell that if someone is arrested, his life and security is the responsibility of the agency behind the arrest. In this case, both seemed to be clearly compromised and had anything adverse happened to Aryan and Arbaaz, would NCB had taken the responsibility. Here, I need to mention that the guy behind these breakthroughs is NCP minister Nawab Malik, who is known for envy against NCB because his own son-in-law was arrested by NCB. But, the videos and footages that have come out, in this case, are so raw and real that his claims don’t seem like a tall claim, at least prime facia.
Further videos showed KP Gosavi sitting with Aryan Khan, making him talk with someone on the phone and of course taking that viral selfie with him. Now, all this while Sameer Wankhede or any other big NCB officer was nowhere to be seen in these videos. Here, we need to remember that there is no video footage of that raid and we don’t even know who ‘actually’ conducted the raid. So, all of this raises eyebrows regarding the authenticity of the whole case putting the onus back on NCB itself. Another breakthrough video came showing that three accused; Amir Furniturewala, Pratik Gaba and Rishabh Sachdeva were released on the very night of the raid. The former two were the organisers of the cruise party who had in fact invited Aryan Khan to the party offering him the VIP and ambassador suit for the party. Now, I just can’t digest that the organisers of the party were so innocent looking that they were released straight away without even a trial. Even Aryan mentioned those names during the interrogation saying he knew them before and they are the ones who invited him. The third accused perhaps is the reason, Rishabh Sachdeva is the son in law of BJP MLA Mohit Kamboj. So, that very much clears all the confusion.
What all of this means…?????
Actually, it was a pre-planned conspiracy to invite Aryan Khan on the cruise, conduct a fake raid by some private people. Then, the limelight hungry inspector Sameer Wankhede was brought into the picture to FRAME a fake drug case. Oh come on…it will be very easy for an NCB level officer to make out a case that seems realistic in a given condition. Also, they made the case so severe that the bail doesn’t come off easily as happens in the NDPS (Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substance) cases. Don’t worry…the case is not even as simple as it seems till now. After a couple more days, a witness of this case Prabhakar Sali came and filed an affidavit claiming that Sameer Wankhede made him sign out on blank papers and it was a whole case of EXTORTION, where they were targeting some 25 crores as a bribe. CCTV footage of SRK’s manager meeting them further confirmed the claims. The claims were also confirmed by Sam D’ Souza another witness in the case. By the time I am writing this, Sameer Wankhede has been removed from the case because of multiple charges of forgery and extortion coming up against him. But still, many more things are to come out and will eventually dig out the whole story and masterminds behind it.
Delay Tactics
By now, NCB had run out of arguments and they knew that the sentiments outside are changing. So, they started using ‘Delay Tactics’. Sometimes there lawyer used to come to court at 2:30 pm when the given time was 11 am and sometimes he would leave soon citing his other pending cases. Their arguments too became so crap by the end. You believe it or not they said “At least they should not have done this on Gandhi Jayanti” and “Some countries give death penalty for such crimes”. Now…what kind of arguments are these, that too coming from the Additional Solicitor General of India. Some delay was visible from the end of the court as well. Sometimes, they spent the whole day proceedings just to say that one has to go to Special NDPS court for seeking bail and sometimes they decided to pronounce the order after 5 day holiday. Finally, The Bombay High Court granted bail to Aryan and the other two but obviously under some conditions.
Why this Regime is behind Bollywood…?????
Now, the question arises why the hell was all this done? Was the reason just Extortion? If you go by my side…the case is not just that. The main aim was obviously to attack Shah Rukh Khan. The reason is to give a statement to Bollywood to dare not say anything against the current regime, as if the son of ‘King of Bollywood’ is not spared, then the message is automatically received by the others. It is universally known that how badly does BJP hate SRK for his religion and even more after his ‘Intolerance’ statement. We should also keep in mind that Shah Rukh Khan was one of the few stars to not tweet the ‘internal matter’ war cry after the government was facing international backlash. While this case was going on, many prominent faces from the industry were called upon by the news channels, but they refused as they feared repercussions if they said anything not acceptable to the regime. Also, except a few, no one really came forward to extend their support openly as they too feared something similar. It again shows to what level the industry currently fears the regime.
Other than giving a message to Bollywood, another motive behind all this drama is to make Bollywood obey them. If you all remember, Ajay Singh Bisht announced a Film City in Uttar Pradesh and after that Maharashtra and UP government were up against each other. But, there was not a great welcome for the idea from big Bollywood faces, barring some obvious few. Now, UP can’t run a film industry with just a few stars, it needs the big stars to come and shoot their movie there. After these incidents, do you think any star will disobey if he is asked to shoot his film? You all very well know the answer.
One more point to note
Here, if we leave out the haters, it seems surprising how easily people were literally enjoying Aryan Khan’s jail. They were happy saying a spoiled brat has landed in jail. Now, I won’t comment on who is what, but at least there should be empathy for a 56-year-old father who is not able to sleep or eat properly over his child. There should be some empathy for the family who was having multiple sleepless nights over their member. And…you accept it or not, there should also be empathy for a 23-year-old boy crying in pain, who had to live just on biscuits as the food and environment was not near to his royal standard. But, the public reaction was on the very contrary showing the Ghoulish Epicaricacy.
Also…our media needs to grow up. Just one Bollywood case and almost everything happening in the country goes in the backburner. Animated Aryan Khan videos, conspiracy theories and mic showed into SRK who had just visited his son in jail showed how pathetic the situation of our media currently is. There were many unconfirmed and rather news spreading like wildfire. Surprisingly, they even forgot that Modi Ji was at the COP26 in Italy and kept on telecasting Aryan Khan story for the whole day. I mean…I just don’t have any words for it.
But…the Other Side of the Story
I would also say here that I don’t know whether Aryan Khan takes drugs or not, or how good a person he is or what is his lifestyle. My job is not to give him a character certificate, on whether he should go to parties or how luxurious life should he live. I can only use legal and logical findings to give any conclusion. Firstly, one can be charged only if he is found with something as Indian drug laws are completely based upon possession of drugs. If someone has no drugs with him, I can’t call him a druggie just because his friend had drugs. Secondly, our law system is only applicable to our territory, even if any of the chats suggest that he took drugs while he was in the US (he was in the US for the past 4 years and returned some 6 months back) he can’t be charged for that in India. Finally, even if Aryan Khan is a spoiled brat and a hardcore druggie, what makes you blame Shah Rukh Khan for it. Tell me, will any father want his son to do anything wrong (don’t bring that viral video…it was said in a humorous sense). Now, whether you like Aryan Khan or not, whether he will be a big star or not, absolutely nothing can justify him behind bars if the law does not allow it.
Pikchar Abhi Baki Hai Mere Dost…..
The situation again gave a moment to the communal bigots, who are out there in abundance nowadays, to spread as much hate and negativity as possible against SRK. Somewhere his old video was cherry-picked out of context to downgrade his image and somewhere the old claim of ABRAM being Aryan’s son resurfaced. Now, I would not go into the details or credibility of those cheap rumours. But, one thing is very aptly visible that the there is a whole army trying to pull SRK down as they just can’t digest him as the KING. He married a Hindu girl but never changed her religion and neither did he give Arabic names to any of his children. Some people hate his religion so badly that they are also ignoring these facts.
It’s not as if these people have taken birth recently, they were always there but this regime has helped them prosper and come out openly. But, they are forgetting that the guy they are messing with is called Shah Rukh Khan, the BADSHAH who has been ruling over the hearts of the people for the past 30 years, the BAAZIGAR who can make a comeback from any situation and the DON who has defeated all the hardships and risen to where he is today. These 2 rupees people were neither able to defeat him then and nor will they be able to now. Shah Rukh Khan was, is and will forever be the Ultimate King of Bollywood and a proud representative of the real ‘Idea of India’.
- Beyond Aryan Khan case: Are WhatsApp chats admissible as evidence in court? https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/aryan-khan-case-are-whatsapp-chats-admissible-as-evidence-in-court-1869542-2021-10-26
- No drugs found on Aryan Khan, NCB officer tells court while seeking further custody https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/no-drugs-found-on-aryan-khan-ncb-officer-tells-court-while-seeking-further-custody-1860715-2021-10-04
- We’ve no policing authority over containers: Adani Group on heroin seizure https://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/we-ve-no-policing-authority-over-containers-adani-group-on-heroin-seizure-121092101329_1.html
- Aryan Khan Drugs Case: Who Is KP Gosavi? NCB’s Absconding ‘Witness’ Detained In Pune https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/india-news-aryan-khan-drugs-case-ncbs-independent-witness-kp-gosavi-arrested-in-pune/39899
- Cruise rave party: Who are Pratik Gaba, Rishabh Sachdeva, Amir Furniturewala? https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/cruise-rave-party-who-are-pratik-gaba-rishabh-sachdeva-amir-furniturewala-101633784893325.html
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