AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL : Organization on a Mission

Amnesty International (AI): Organisation For Human Rights

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL … I think most of you must have heard this name. But I think the work that it has been doing for quite long needs a detailed look out and its message needs to be spread even wider. Especially the perception of this organization in our country is very wrong … which I will try to change. The organization which has taken any kind of Injustice personally and aims in building a world where the spectrum of Human Rights is enjoyed by all.

Dubious NGO Amnesty International halts its India operations after Govt  freezes its bank accounts; accuses Govt of 'witch-hunt'

What, Where and When of the Organisation

It is a non-governmental organisation which was set up in London in 1961 with the aim of publicizing and exposing violations of Human Rights and Freedom of speech by governments. It is spread across 180 countries and territories with more than 7 million members at place. It considers itself neutral of any political group, ideology or religious dividing line. It was founded by British Attorney Peter Benenson, who defended 2 arrested Portuguese students who just raised their glasses in toast to freedom political prisoners. He wrote an Article in the Observer launching an campaign … and that was the moment.

B is for Peter Benenson: Giving Birth To Amnesty International - The  Positive Encourager

From there upon, he understood that this problem is enormous across the globe and there is a need of an organization which can do detailed research and encourage sympathy for such political prisoners of conscience (those have not exerted force or violence by their side) over the world. In the above mentioned case also over a thousand letters were written and the appeal was run by over newspapers of over 12 countries. This public outcry led to many big countries (France, Germany, US) coming forward for a permanent international movement defending freedom of opinion and religion. From that point the organization has risen only and that too at a rapid speed.

peter benenson quotes - Google Search | Citações

It started from a simple London base but later expanded into open regional offices across. Slowly it also adopted modern technologies to stay as relevant as possible towards their Mission. One example is modern mobile apps for its workers who are at continuous risk of being arrested anywhere can use it as ‘PANIC’ Button.

PETER calls the organization on a Mission for a collective agency for advancement of human rights. In his words :

“Only when the last prisoner of conscience has been freed, when the last torture chamber has been closed, when the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a reality for the world’s people, will our work be done”

Who We Are | Amnesty International

How it Works … ?????

The organization is governed by an international executive committee headed by a chairman, members of which are elected for staggered four year terms at biennial International Council meeting represented by all national sections. It has established a worldwide network of ‘Adoption Groups’ which undertakes research to find out prisoners and then barrages the respective government until he is released. Other than that, it also organizes demonstrations and vigils, circulates online petitions and alerts and sponsors human rights education.

Amnesty International Origins – Youth and Human Rights Activism

Initially the main focus of the organization was limited to freeing prisoners of conscience, ensuring prompt and fair trial, abolishment of death and tortuous penalties, ‘Disappearing’ of Prisoners and any other type of Capital Punishment or Death Penalties. But later it also expanded towards human right abuses by governments, torture on hostages, unlawful killings and even protection of sexual and reproductive rights. The organization works on finding out any abuse of human right with the help of its worldwide network of ‘Adoption Groups’ and as soon as they find one, they do extensive background research to get the ‘Facts’ and then mobilize the membership by sending mass emails, petitions, letters, calls, contacting the media, even candle light vigils and peaceful protests on ground .

Who We Are | Amnesty International

Awards and Philanthropy

First of all … let me tell you that this organization has been a recipient of Nobel Peace Prize and Seán Mac Bride was the recipient. One notable point about the organization is that it does not have any ‘Fund’ of its own and its revenue depends on fundraising activities such as USA Contributions, media awards, conference fees, literature and merchandise sales, list rental and donations. When comes the time of raising awareness, then the Philanthropy of the organization comes at fore and some of their recent campaigns are Stop Torture, Control Arms, Stop Violence Against Women, Child Soldiers, International Justice and The Death Penalty

Amnesty International India Shuts Down, Blames Government's 'Reprisal'

INDIAN and Subsequent Controversies  

As we know there are ‘Scars’ even on the Moon. Similarly, there are some Controversial points associated with Amnesty International as well. It is often criticized for one sided biased behavior towards Criminals and Dangerous people often compromising the security of common people. Many countries like US, Russia, China have already openly criticized it and complained against it.

Recently, Amnesty India had to stop its operations here. If the statement of Amnesty is anything to go by, they suffered ‘Witch Hunt’ by the Indian Government as CBI raided their offices during an investigation into alleged breach of foreign funding laws. Indian Government also accused Amnesty of being indulged in Anti-National activities. It is not new that Amnesty has been a constant Critic of present MODI Government whether it is abolition of Article 370 or implementation of CAA-NRC, it has always put the Government under Radar over Human rights violation, intolerant behavior and communal discrimination.

Amnesty International | History, Headquarters, & Facts | Britannica

Conclusion : Accept Shortcomings but also the Withstanding

I personally am not a Big Fan of human rights claims especially when it comes towards the Criminals and Rapists. But there can be different views … isn’t it ? Also we should keep in mind that they have mentioned ‘Prisoners of Conscience’. We may have difference on the stand but we should accept and appreciate instead their deeds and also the fact that if this organization had not been at place, wonder how many innocent lives would have been lost in front of Authoritarianism. Creating a worldwide network to undertake such a tedious task on such a massive scale needs intensive sentiment for the cause and so should be the level of appreciation towards it. In my opinion, it was very UNFORTUNATE that it had to stop its working in India. We could have done better maybe by accepting criticism or being a bit more tolerant. Whatever, I give my thumbs up to the organization, more power to you. Keep doing this and I will be very fortunate if I ever get the opportunity to join your cause.

Who We Are | Amnesty International






References :

  1. Amnesty International, written by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica,
  2. Amnesty International, written by Amy J. Recor,

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