“OK…there is nothing between us now…so don’t call me again” said Anuj over a phone call, adding “Maybe you do…but I don’t anymore”.
Anuj had just broken up with one of his ex(s) named Aditi after some 3-4 month relationship, and this was just one of the many relationships in the life of the womaniser.
Wearing stylish denim and a cool sunglass, Anuj came out of his house towards his new bullet motorcycle. The spoiled brat was riding the bike at full speed with ‘Top Gun theme’ playing in his background.
He reached the club where four of his friends were already waiting for him. They all went in, and the party started with bottles opening and the volume of the DJ reaching its maximum.
As the party was in full swing, Anuj’s eyes fell on another girl enjoying the party.
“You guys want a bet?” asked Anuj.
“Ohh…for bringing that girl among us…ok bet”
“Be ready to pay up guys” said a confident Anuj as he approached the girl.
“Yes hi….do I know you?”
“Well, now you do…I am Anuj and you are…?”
“Let me directly come to the point…see the thing is I have had a bet with my friends that I will ring you with us to party…so can you please help me win the bet”
After two minutes, there was Anuj along with her, among his friends. He had won the bet, and things like these were quite normal stuff for spoiled brat and womanizer Anuj. He was living an extravagant life where there was money and happiness, and not much space for emotions. But, little did he know that a character was going to enter his life which would change his life and lifestyle completely.
“Guys did you heard about that new project in our curriculum?” asked Kapil.
“Yes, we will have to work with an NGO for a month” replied Sunil.
“What the heck is this now…come on…I am not doing any of this shit”
But, finally, the two persuaded Anuj too, as the project is ‘compulsory’. They chose the NGO ‘Guru Kripa’, which was a shelter and study house for disabled children.
As they entered the NGO, they saw children in the age group of 2-12 playing and studying. While some children were physically disabled, some were mentally retarded, but the only common thing in every child was a sweet smile on the face.
It didn’t take much time for Sunil and Kapil to get involved with the kids. It was after all Anuj, who was the most disinterested in the whole exercise. But, for the sake of it, he too started playing with the kids.
“You don’t tear that sheet…hey don’t break that thing…ahh don’t pull my hair”
However, things were not going much easily for Anuj.
After an hour or so, saw a man coming with a girl, with her completely wrapped over him. He place her in the wheelchair, hugged her while saying bye, and then left.
Anuj who was watching all this, quite contrary to his behaviour got curious about the disabled girl.
Out of his curiosity, Anuj went up to the NGO manager and asked him about the disabled girl.
“She is Nandini. Although our NGO is mainly focused on kids, we also have a few adults who are having disabilities. Nandini met an accident, after which she was left in a miserable condition. After that incident, her family brought her here. Although she lives with her family only, but her parents bring her here every morning and take her back in the evening. So that, she can do the therapy classes here, study and play with the kids, and feel better,” Manager Das said.
The very same Anuj, who didn’t have much tuning with emotions, was left touched by this episode.
“You guys should also spend time with her during your project…she is around the same age as you all…she will feel nice”.
Anuj was pre-determined to do that, and he went ahead towards Nandini, who was moving with her wheelchair in the garden area.
“Hi, Nandini…I’m Anuj”
“So please bring a great round of applause for Nandini, who has cracked the UPSC exams, and will be joining the Indian Police Service (IPS) very soon,” the principal said as Nandini was being felicitated by her college on the occasion.
“Thank you so much, everyone, I would just like to thank my college, teachers, and all friends who always encouraged me to do well and reach where I am today, thank you so much”.
Nandini came out of the college after the ceremony and went up to her scooty. She found that her helmet is not there, she wondered where has it gone as she remembers keeping it right here at the handle of the vehicle. Anyways, she sat and started driving en route home.
It would just have been two minutes, while Nandini started driving. Just when she was crossing the T-point, two bike-borne men bypassed the red light, and came raging towards her scooty. It was completely unexpected for Nandini, and before she could have understood anything, she flung into the air, as the two bikes smashed her scooty with full might.
Nandini fell crashing down onto the road with a pool of blood getting formed around her. People came running toward the spot surrounding her. The two miscreant bikers were, however, able to flee from the spot at full speed.
Nandini was admitted to the hospital, where her condition was ascertained to be very critical. Her parents also reached there. The doctor came out and said, “She has survived and can go home in a week. But unfortunately, she will be paralysed for life, and her brain has also suffered a blow and her mind will no longer be able to function like before”.
Nandini’s family was left shocked as hell. Although they were a little relieved that at least their daughter is alive, they knew what the future of their girl is going to be.
After Nandini gained consciousness, her mother asked her “Nandini…are you fine? Beta…don’t think about the IPS thing…we will do something else!”
“What IPS thing Mummy?” the most puzzled Nandini
The response brought a pin-drop silence in the whole hospital. Everybody knew how serious Nandini’s condition is and that her future has changed once and for all.
While Sunil and Kapil are playing carrom, making puzzles, and solving problems on the blackboard with the children, who too are rejoicing the time. Anuj, on the other hand, has sat beside Nandini. He decides that he should also try to give her some problems to solve.
“Hey, Nandini…can you solve these equations?” said Anuj giving the notebook to Nandini.
Nandini who had cracked UPSC an year before, these questions should have been a cakewalk for her, even after the accident thing. But, all came out, was silence with a completely clueless Nandini staring over the notebook in anxiety and distress.
Anuj straightaway took away the notebook, saying, “OK…let’s try something else. I will list down the states and you write down their capitals, okay?”
“Yes…I will write,” said Nandini showing some confidence.
But, the result was the same yet again, as Nandini could not write even one city despite trying her best.
“Nothing to worry Nandini, let’s try some drawing,” Anuj said trying to console her.
He gave her a sheet and asked her to draw a simple tree and hut.
Nandini took the pencil and brought it to the sheet. Her trembling hands were somehow managing to sketch something. Looking at her like this, Anuj felt the lowest he had ever felt in his life. He held her hand, just as much as was needed to stop its trembling. He then gently pushed her hand to draw on the sheet. Slowly, Nandini was able to draw some decent sketches, her As the drawings started coming, so did a smile on Nandini’s face.
“Thank You…” she said while looking innocently at Anuj.
“Arey…there was nothing to thank…I was just drawing along with you,” Anuj winked at Nandini.
“COME ON…everyone here, recite a poem” shouted Sunil and Kapil and formed a circle of all the kids in the room along with Nandini.
Every child, more or less, recited a poem, after which they were given toffees. Now, it was Nandini’s turn. She started uttering “Twinkle Twinkle…Little Star,” but again her hands started quavering, and this time more severely so. Anuj immediately rushed towards her and held her gently. Nandini’s shaking almost stopped and she was slowly able to complete her poem. After that, Anuj also gave the toffee to Nandini, who was lost staring at the kindness of Anuj.
After the lessons were over, the kids and Nandini went for the daily exercise and food after that. While, Anuj along with buddies too got out for having some food.
“Are you serious Anuj?” shouted Sunil.
“Do you have any idea that it is not a joke, but a matter of your whole life”, said a worried Kapil.
“Guys, I know what side of me you all know. But, slowly I have realised that maybe…maybe…I am not what I was trying to be all these years. And you guys know what changed in my life. I met Nandini…and…”
“But she is disabled Anuj!!!” screamed Sunil.
Anuj gave a death stare to Sunil, making him uncomfortable. Looking at his, Kapil came and said, “He means to say that how will she be able to live with you with the issues she has”.
“She was all poised to become an IPS officer. An unfortunate accident and she was left like this. What was her fault? And I am not doing this from any ‘charity’ point of view, as you guys are thinking. I do love her and want to spend my life with her. And regarding teh question you guys asked, if she is by my side, I can even win a war, what is a life”.
“Anuj!” said Nandini while moving in her wheelchair in the garden.
“Yes, Nandini” replied Anuj while holding her wheelchair.
“Why are you good to me?”
“Because you are good…simple”
“Now, what will I do from tomorrow onwards?”
“Why…what happens tomorrow?”
“You forgot…you guys are here for the project till today only…right…I was told this on the first day”
Anuj, who was completely immersed in Nandini’s world was thrown out in one single blow.
“Ya…yes…say” said a lost Anuj.
“Where were you lost?”
“Nandini…I have to tell you something”
“Yes say,” said Nandini while steering her hand over the flowers.
“Nandini…I love you…I love you very much!”
Nandini’s stopped moving and stood as still as a stone.
“Anuj…are you serious? Do you have any idea what are you even saying?”
“I am full of ideas and am saying this with utmost seriousness. Nandini…I…I have rediscovered myself while being with you…you have given me a new meaning, you are my meaning…I love you” said Anuj as a drop of tear came out of his eyes.
He went down to his knees and brought her arms over Nandini’s shoulders, and said, “Nandini…look into my eyes…I am telling the truth”.
“I know Anuj…but you also know that I…that we can’t have a future”
“WHY? huh? How easily you made the choice all by yourself?” screamed Anuj, adding, “I know what you want to say, but let me tell you that your disability is no issue for me and I love you eternally. You know what kind of a person I was before I met you and how you have healed “.
A moist-eyed Nandini hugged Anuj, who was on his knees.
“I love you too Anuj”
Anuj also brought his arms over her, and the two embraced each other.
However, little did they know that their story will not have as smooth a conclusion as they are anticipating.
“NO…this can’t happen…this won’t happen” angrily said Nandini’s father to Anuj.
A tense and scared Anuj stood by listening.
“All this sounds very flowery and amazing, but sadly isn’t so when thought practically. Mr Anuj, you will not come near my daughter again. Get out of this NGO right now!”
Anuj left the NGO distraught and broken, thinking of somehow he can come up with something that can help his cause.
“Papa…please don’t do this…I really love him,” said a badly weeping Nadini.
“Beta…I have never stopped you from doing anything…but this is something very very serious and concerns your whole life…we can’t take it lightly…and we are leaving for Mumbai tomorrow only”
“NO NO NO!!!” shouted Anuj, as he read the text he received the message that Nandini sent him through her friend.
He ran towards his bike and rushed to the NGO at full speed. He came to the office of the NGO.
“Hello sir…we did a project here some days back…can you help me?”
“Cool down mister…tell me…what do you want?”
“Nandini…she was here at the NGO…but has left today…can you please give me any of her contacts or address or anything…through which I can contact her or reach her”.
“Sir…we are very sorry, but we don’t give the private details of any person involved here…so…”
“Are you mad… can’t you understand the gravity of the situation…please give me the details!!!” screamed Anuj.
“Sir…please try to understand…we can’t…”.
“SHUT UP…please try to understand…she will leave the city…I love her…please”.
“Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?
At the Delhi Airport, Anuj came rushing inside, crashing into two, while pushing three more aside. He reached the spot in front of the display screen, and started searching for the status of flight FX302…and after much pondering…he saw the status as ‘Ready to Take off’.
Anuj’s eyes glittered, he dialed Nandini’s number….she picked it.
Nandini’s father who had the picked the phone put the phone on speaker.
“Nandini…I am here…here at the airport…wherever you are…it’s not too late. Please…please come here..and we will be together…just as I had promised. Nandini…Nandini…”
The call was cut.
Nandini kept on staring at her father with moist eyes, which pleaded him to please get out of the flight.
Here, Anuj tried to call her 2-3 times again, but for no response.
After two minutes, the flight status of flight FX302 showed ‘Departed’. And so did all the from Anuj’s face.
He stooped down on his knees and started crying. The airport officers reached him saying “You were running like insane, you will have to come with us”
“Please arrest me…please arrest me…take me from here,” cried Anuj, with tears rolling down all over his face.
The officers too got worried and looked among themselves. But, before they could have understood anything, they saw a girl coming out of the airport, in a wheelchair. For a while, all eyes across the airport went towards her.
Looking at the sudden movement, Anuj too turned his head…and there came Nandini coming out, with her eyes desperately searching for Anuj.
Upon noticing her, Anuj rushed to her with all his might, and in the way slipped twice before reaching up to her. Staring at Nandini, Anuj was just not able to hold his tears and held Nandini’s face tenderly. The two looked into each other for a minute or so, before the two hugged each other.
Nandita’s parents looked at the two from a distance, and they knew that their daughter has taken the right decision.
Really an emotional story.