So … finally it is happening and our year long non-invited guests at the GALWAN border have agreed to move back but on the cost that we move back too … how generous. Anyways … considering the situation we all were in during the last June, this situation will be preferred on any given day. The claim by the government is correct that we haven’t actually ‘Conceded’ anything but Opposition’s statement that we have moved back from where we earlier used to be is also true. So, what made the repellant Chinese move back finally and for how long we can be relaxed in this regard … or can we even be relaxed at the moment. The answer lies in a detailed view of the whole story so far.

Background : Bloodbath at Border
It all started on 16th of June 1962, when Chinese forces in Galwan valley out of nowhere attacked on our soldiers in their attempt to enter into our territory. In these bloody bloodbath 20 Indian soldiers were martyred while there were quite a number of Chinese casualties as well but on very expected lines China didn’t reveal the exact number or names. (Just few days back they publicized 4 names for namesake). After, that the situation at the valley became quite tense and serious as China was standing right at Finger 2, dominating the whole of the area till Finger 8. The region between Finger 2 and 8 was ‘No Patrolling Area’ and for the first time since 1975 did India and China opened fires at each other at the border. Also, both both sides were not taunting each other by playing loud music of their rival’s language.
India from the very beginning wanted China back at Finger 8, which is India’s perception of the LINE OF ACTUAL CONTROL (LAC). While China was asserting its LAC claim till Finger 2. For understanding the gravity of the situation, take for example that, even the area of Pangong Tso, where 3 IDIOTS Climax was shot, at that time was under this ‘controversial’ area now. Here I will also clear once again that in Pangong Tso region, which is a glacial melt has mountain spurs in the shape of ‘Fingers’, which is used as a unit of measurement in the LAC region. It is a place for heritage for India where Pangong means ‘extreme concavity’ in Ladakhi while Tso in Tibetan means ‘lake’. Also, the south bank of Pangong leading to Kailash range and Chushul sector too is of historical significance to India. China also used the created tension to increase Infiltration and weaponries in other regions as well like Gogra Hot Springs and Depsang Lake.
The Turning Point … ?????
India … we have to say handled this situation cautiously. Yes, initially there were irresponsible statements coming from our prime minister only, but later after he gave the speech criticizing China (though he never took their name) at the border, India’s policy started to change. Not only our defence minister RAJNATH SINGH and our External Affairs minister S. JAISHANKAR were leading the ‘TALKING’ front with their respective counterparts, but it seemed that the Chinese side was not ready to talk much. While, on the other side, the Army had a very clear idea about what they need to do … clich the peak. Actually, even while the Chinese were the ones in dominating position but there was one room left which even they didn’t anticipated and it was the one which turned out to be the deciding factor of the game.

In the south bank only of the Pangong Sea, there were quite a many peaks which not only were unoccupied by China but held but also were of strategic importance as far as the conditions are considered. Indian army used this opportunity perfectly and occupied those peaks on 29th and 30th August, leaving China open mouthed and jaw dropped. Just on a given Sunday, China saw India right on the top of the peaks weakening out the whole position they had gained in these days. The peaks held great significance as from that position if a full fledged firing would have been started from India, then China’s uninvited force had no way to counter it. So, this forced China to come on the Discussion table with noble and not authoritative attitude.
The Game on the Table
After multiple rounds of discussion, both sides agreed on phase-wise Disengagement from both sides to lessen down the tension in the area. The first big disengagement took place in October and after that the next big day came on 24th January when both sides decided onto what the situation currently holds. India went back to between Finger 2 and 3 while China agreed after many attempts to move behind Finger 8. Not only, this both sides will also break all the construction they did in the region be it any bunker, tent or weapon and slowly, and in this direction both sides pulled back close to 10,000 soldiers. The region in between has been kept as ‘No Patrolling Zone’ to keep the tension at its minimal. There is also a claim being put forward by experts that China is going to celebrate 100 years of Communist regime later this year so China wanted this deal to be sorted out peacefully to project its good image.
Conclusion : What lies Ahead now
Now … yes China has moved back but so have we … but is this the end of the game … NOT AT ALL. The tension is reduced in one region but it is still present in other regions like Depsang plane, Chushul sector and Galwan Valley. Plus, we know China is ever active in the regions of Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh; we even saw how China has been able to build a whole Village inside our territory in Arunachal Pradesh right under our noes, which itself speaks volume of the danger our rival possesses. Other than all of this, a big big point experts are pointing out is that now India after disengaging will no longer beholding the mountain peaks which it held till a month back which also turned to be the deciding factor into bringing China to the discussion table that too with positive attitude. So, now we just can’t say that what scenarios might emerge if China again does something in some other region or even in that region, keeping in mind that this time even China will be able to anticipate that we can capture the hills, so it maybe better prepared to rule away that factor aside.

At last, it is our duty to congratulate the government on this praiseworthy achievement. Yes, we including me criticized the government when it gave lame irresponsible statements but now when the credit is due, it should be given. The government dealt the matter with patience, cautiousness and maturity while standing on the ground resiliently … bringing both JOSH and HOSH at display. But, again let’s not be complacent as we know who our rival is … the ‘Globally Annoying China’. Also, I would like to pay respect tothe soldiers out there, those who got martyred and those who held the ground firmly. We have full faith in you and we are ready to face whatever comes our way … whatever it takes.
References :
- India-China Conflict: Are We Ready For ‘Kargil 2.0’? , Manoj Joshi, Sep 9, 2020 https://www.orfonline.org/research/india-china-conflict-are-we-ready-for-kargil-2-0/#:~:text=The%20action%20seems%20to%20have,wont%2C%20rechristened%20the%20Mukpari%20mountain.
- Entire Chinese village came up in Arunachal Pradesh within an year, show satellite images, NH Web Desk, Jan 19, 2021 https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/chinese-village-set-up-in-indian-territory-in-arunachal-pradesh-within-last-one-year-show-satellite-images