The Great English Series and More.....

What a fantastic series and what an awkward end to it. Still, we don’t know the proper result of the series, but if BRAIN is anything to go by we have already conquered the English…

The Deadly Game of Israel and Palestine

A few months back, two countries were very aggressively trying to destroy each other. There was continuous firing and bombarding by both sides on each other. It all started after Israel attacked a peaceful procession…

The Graveyard called AFGHANISTAN

I don’t think I need to tell anyone about the scenario in Afghanistan right now. Whether it is the videos of people trying to climb on an aeroplane or whether it is the videos of…

Why one needs Sex Education ?

Aashish is an innocent, introverted and shy boy aged 15. He comes from a very conservative and strict family. Now, neither is he interested in knowing deeply about Sex and nor did the environment at…


A boy named Nikhil was very innocent by nature and didn’t know how cruel this world is. He had a friend Somesh and he used to sit with him, eat with him, and talk with…


Tony was a 14-year-old boy, who was very innocent in nature, good in studies except for Maths and very much fond of sports. Looking at his streak of poor marks, his parents hired a tutor…

Busting the Myth of Population Control

Just some two weeks back, Uttar Pradesh came up with the Population Control Bill which puts a constraint on the maximum number of children a family can bear, which has been fixed two. Well, UP…

The Auction Theory in a Nobel Way

I think most of you would be knowing about an Auction. Whether it is a Telecom auction, antique item auction or the most famous IPL auctions. The economics equalizes the demand and supply and make…

A Hot Day or Just Another Day

Today the temperature is too hot in Delhi. But it’s also the summer vacations going on, so the children will play and no one can stop them. Because of the heat, they have placed the…