Virat KING Kohli the Indian captain is always known for giving fitting reply and standing against those who stand against INDIA . Just now a Controversy is making rounds that Kohli has said a Fan to leave India if he likes Foreign players or supports them . But did he casually said so and was the matter that simple . No , Not at all ; I have seen the whole video and I will make it clear to all of you what is Right or Wrong .
Two days back a Random Fan commented Virat Kohli on his App – ” I think Virat Kohli is a Overrated player , I don’t find anything special in him , I don’t like Indian players and Indian Team I find England and Australia better and I support them” . After which Virat Kohli replied “Then why don’t you leave India and live in those countries only , there is no point living in India and supporting others over it ” . Now very honestly all of you just tell me that if anyone will call a Champion player Overrated and his Team as Inefficient in front of the National Captain ; what he should have said . Also if you watch the video you will find that Virat said it with a Comic accent ; also he has clarified after being TROLLED Brutally that his statement is against a particular statement in that Context only and he too stands for Freedom of Choices .
We all know Virat Kohli is the Best batsman in the world . If someone says that England and Australia are better than India there must be Facts and Figures validating the statement . If you look in this generation among active players , there is no one better than or even close to Kohli and he has Fired in EACH AND EVERY Country he has played and that too against Top bowlers of the Era , so how can one call him Overrated and if you are calling him so then name a Batsman better than him . How can one say that he si not Special when he is filled with numerous Specialities and Qualities . Still there Mood and there Cricket knowledge , I can’t complain anything but just Bow Down . The other reasons of Hating him maybe his UGLY looking face on which hundreds of Girls are Mad and the fact that he is the FATHER of Big Rivals of which his Haters lick Ass . It’s not the case that one can’t have a Favourite other than VK just because he is Best . There are many Top class players across the world and you can have any of them as Favs ; even I like AB de VILLIERS and RASHID KHAN too much and when they play even against us I can only Half-heartedly wish for them to not play well as my Affection towards them is Damn High . Kohli is not my Favourite just because he is an Indian but simply because he is the Best Quantitatively and Qualitatively . But if one is saying that he Hates Kohli then he has to validate the statement as HATE is a very strong word to be used against anyone ; why will you Hate him , What has he done , Match Fixing ?
In this decade No Coutry has won more matches than India with Extarodinary performance in last 2-3 years . Being in 1-2 in Rankings of every format and you are saying that you don’t like Indian Team , WHY , no just tell me on what basis you are saying that . Which team has shown better performance than us . Just leave performance , people say that AUSTRALIA and ENGLAND are Better . Maybe on the basis of Overall records you can say that but remember they invented the game and were Masters initially but we had to learn the game in a Poor Country with less resources . Now looking at the recent records We are much ahead and ruling the game like a Boss . Leave performance , we all know which team is called the KING OF SLEDGE and the way they do so ; Debutants abusing Legends , mocking players for their Injuries and even CHEATING the game just for Winning it . Which team URINATED on the ground after a Easy victory that too at their backyard , Opened shirt themselves after winning and when we did so they called us UNCIVILISED , their players even senior ones continuously give Unacceptable statements against us and our players . So now just give me one of the activities I mentioned above that We Indians indulge ourselves in ; if No then how is it Possible that you can Hate Us and Praise them .
That was the discussion from Cricketing point of view . Now let’s see it from Nationalism point of view . I live in India the best place on this Earth and I love My India more than anything/anyone else and I can’t thank India for all the things I have been provided with as I will never be able to do so ; this is the case with all other residents as well . So it’s not just a moral obligation but a Logical conclusion as well that We all should support whenever our Country plays . You can like and you should like , support and appreciate other Teams as well ; but you can’t support them over your Country ; how can you eat Indian food , wear Indiàn dress and then say that I don’t like India . Even those who burst Crackers when Pakistan defeat India should go to Pakistan and I am very firm on it . You can support any other team EVEN Pakistan but not over the Country where you reside ; if you Love it more than India then it’ sbetter going there only as there is Frankly and Genuinely no point living in a Country you don’t like .
Some were accusing that why he married in ITALY , drinks FRENCH Water and supports Foreign Players . Marrying in any place doesn’t mean that I am demeaning my country . I love a Girl and my country and will live my whole life in India only , but the day of marriage ; I want to make it special by marrying in a Fairy Tale . Even I want to do a Destination Marriage with my Sweetheart . Supporting Germany and Ronaldo in Football is not a Crime ; as India is not a big name in Football and didn’t qualified for FIFA WC and VK is always ahead in supporting our National Football team . Drinking french water is something related to his very Personal Fitness as he needs pure mineral water having some specific qualities . Just using Indian products doesn’t make you patriotic .
Also some were saying that he will join BJP and compared his statement with that of “Those who don’t want HINDU-RASHTRA , they go to Pakistan” . See this statement is a Disgrace as it Kills the Essence of India , where all people of all Rleigion are Hugged with same Warmth . What Virat has said is against those criticising our Nation while what that BJP Spokesperson said is demeaning our Country . Please realize the difference and please don’t join the name of a GENIUS with a Brainless Party .
The fact which Pained me more was that his own Countrymen Mocking and Trolling their National Captain for a Statement which he gave to support and protect the Prestige of his Team and Country only . Just think he is the Captain and he is said that “I don’t like THESE INDIANS” ; isn’t it extremely Insulting to him and his teammates infront of him . He should have given that reply ; also we all know that his Passion and Affection towards his Team , Country and making India WIN is so Damn High and many have went through the Repercussion of coming against Our Prestige in front of him each Epic Incidence being included in History . It’s just a case like this ; You live in a Joint Family and there is your one brother who says that I don’t like THESE Family Members and those parents and families of my friends are much better ; will you not say him to leave the Family and live your own life . Why will you live with those whom you don’t like ; also I used Brother in the story because here an Indian only is criticizing his Team .
Also some Cricket Experts like AAKASH CHOPRA and HARSHA BHOGLE gave negative views and even BCCI said that , If Indian fans will leave India who will support us . For them , he has not told that to an INDIAN FAN , he was a Disgrace . Also I think other players Indian should come out and support our Captain but apart from them we all Indian should support hm and his statement . The world is very CRUEL as you are Accused for a Job for which you should have been Appreciated . Don’t worry Captain , you were , you are and you will remain KING Forever , even when only pne person stands woth you it will be Me and if no one stands with you then I am DEAD . If every one does not find you Best , then there Eyes are ROTTEN and they can’t even touch your Crown . And whenever someone will live in India and says he Dislikes India , I will always come and Demolish the person. Instead I will say that I am Proud of Virat Kohli for his Statement , for his Game and for him being HIM .