Shoaib was sitting on his chair and watching a web series on his phone. Suddenly, Aisha jumped on him hugging him from behind and kissing his cheek.
“Hey, baby!!!”
He held her face and the two looked at each other for a while. Shoaib moved forward and the two kissed.
“Should we marry Shoaib?” Aisha said after two minutes of their lovemaking.
There was silence for one more minute.
Shoaib pushed her back harshly and went up from the sofa.
“I have told you hundred of times…don’t start you ‘Shaadi Puran’…I absolutely don’t like it.”
“What do you mean…you don’t like it…I left my whole life and family to come to you…you told me that you’ll do anything to marry me…and now you…” Aisha broke into tears after saying it.
“YOUUU…Stop it stop it stop it…I said” Shoaib went ahead and pulled Aisha with her hair leaving her in even higher pain and shouting “Please leave me”.
“Who was that boy?” growled Aisha’s father.
“Dad…he was Shoaib!!! I love him very much…I want to marry him!!!”
“Marry that dirty scum?”
“Can you tell me how much he earns? and what does he do even? what is his background? can you please tell me…dear?”
“U…he…maybe…I don’t know…and it doesn’t matter to me. Because all that matters to me is he!!!”.
Aisha’s mother too entered the debate ground and said “Aisha…this blind filmy love is dangerous…and you will NOT meet him again…are you able to understand?”
“NOOO…I will meet him…I will love him…I am an adult and independent…I can take my decisions!!!”
“And…what have you decided?”
“I am moving with him!!!”
Aisha barged into her room and closed to door with a bang.
“Please sir…please give me one chance to talk to her in private…please Aisha”
Finally, upon Aisha’s approval, the police allowed the two to talk in one room.
“Please forgive me, Aisha…you know I love you so much…you know I was so frustrated and stupid…I won’t ever hit you…I will always love you”
“Shoaib…don’t cry…”
He tried to come close to her, but Aisha pushed him back
“But…but…I also caught you chatting with a girl named Pari”
A shocked Shoaib’s mind ran for thoughts and said “Yes…only this was left to be seen…you are doubting me…you don’t know that that girl is pressuring me, harassing me…I am just trying to get away from her…but you won’t understand my miserable condition…because you don’t love me anymore.”
“No…No…Shoaib…I do…I love you very much”
“But…what for now…I’m going to jail…it doesn’t matter…I will still love you”, he starts crying and Aisha is left extremely scared as she couldn’t see him like that.
No…No…No…I will take the complaint back…please don’t cry, Shoaib”
“Will you forgive me…should we return home…Aisha?”
“Yes….yes…” and the two hugged each other.
As they came out, the police inspector asked “Are you sure, you want to take back the complaint…are you under any kind of pressure?”
“No…I am very sure of what I’m doing…I love him…he was in a bad state of mind that day…he won’t hit me again”
The two came back to their home. Shoaib hugged Aisha saying with moist eyes “Thanks Love”.
She replied, “I’m very happy today….I’m going to cook a very new and special dish for us…and then we will go and watch PATHAAN”.
Shoaib was sitting on the sofa and watching a movie on his laptop. At the same time, his phone was continuously beeping with messages. He didn’t want to bring his phone from the charging socket a little away from him, so he opened his WhatsApp Web.
“Hey…come on Shoaib let’s eat…I have made this lovely dish”
“O…ya…ya…coming…coming” Shoaib responded abruptly and rushed towards his phone looking at Aisha standing just near the charging socket.
He turns back saying “Sorry Aisha…I won’t be able to come to the movie tonight…I have got something urgent,” suddenly his phone rings and he signals to Aisha that he is coming in 2 minutes, and rushes in.
Aisha gets sad and starts arranging the stuff on the dining table. She notices that Shoaib’s laptop is open.
“Oh…he has left it open…the battery will go down,” she murmured and went ahead to close the laptop.
Accidentally, her finger touched the scroll mouse, and WhatsApp Web opened on the screen…and the chats with ‘Radha’ read…
“The day we slept together was the best experience of my life”
“So was it for me”
“I want it to happen again…daily”
“So do I…dear…!!!”
“Should we move in together?”
“I really want to…but it will take me a while before I settle things a little”
“I want to meet you today…if you won’t come…I will…”
“I’ll come by today evening”
Aisha was left in absolute shock, as tears rolled down her cheeks. She left the laptop as it was and went away to the table. Everything was clear to her now.
“Aisha…I think…we need a break!!!”
“What do you mean…Shoaib?”
“Uhhh…don’t you feel our life has become too monotonous…with just the two of us…I am thinking why not I get some time out with my friends…and you can also…”
“Where will I go, Shoaib? Don’t you know that I have left my whole family just for you…to spend my life with you?”
“Hey…Hey…why are you getting so emotional…it’s just a small break…you can also go to a friend like me”
“By the way…is the name of your friend whom you are going to meet…Radha?”
Fear ran all over Shoaib’s face. He quickly moved his head towards his laptop and saw it all open. He knew that his game was over.
“You spying on me…Bitch?”
“SHUT UP…who do you think you are…all this while you have been cheating with me” Aisha shouted really hard.
“Hey…tone down…don’t you create a scene here…there is nothing like what you think”
Aisha started weeping badly and started throwing things at him.
“Hey…stop it..stop it…you Bitch”
As Aisha started coming close to Shoaib while hitting him, Shoaib grabbed the hard and large wine bottle and smashed it right on Aisha’s head.
Aisha fell down with a loud cry and went unconscious.
Aisha was left tied and clothes stuffed inside her mouth, lying unconscious.
As she opened her eyes she saw Shoaib sitting around 6 feet from her, and sharpening his chainsaw, axe and meat cutter.
Aisha went berserk and tried to shout…but Shoaib had sufficient arrangements to make sure that her voice doesn’t reach out.
Shoaib tried coming towards her with the axe aiming to pierce Aisha down into pieces.
Aisha continues making noise with her eyes showing all her miserability, and begging for some mercy for the trust and affection she bestowed upon him
Shoaib had rage filled all over his eyes, and it left Aisha wondering, are these the same eyes she once fell for.
As Aisha was ready to embrace her end, as it came at the cost of all her love and trust, Shoaib went forward with his axe and pulled it back to smack right on her neck……
DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG….the doorbell of the house rang.
“OHHH…SHITTT” screamed Shoaib.
Shoaib peeped outside the door and notices a salesman.
All this while, Aisha just kept on hoping that somehow Shoaib is forced to open the door.
He didn’t open the door, somehow controlling his pains, he says “Yes…who’s this?”
“Sir…very nice pair of clothing…please see once”
“NO…NO…I don’t need any clothing…go away…now”
Aisha tried to make some noise, but couldn’t because her body didn’t have any energy left. She kept on praying that the salesman doesn’t go. He was her last and only hope. She shouted with all her might but was only able to do that from within. And…he was gone.
After five minutes…when Shoaib was convinced that he has gone…he came back towards his ‘Mission’.
Aisha kept on staring at the person she once loved. All types of thoughts started coming to her mind. She kept wondering whether her decision about her life, but before she could reach any conclusion…..
Shoaib started his car. He was carrying along with him, hundreds of filled black polythene bags. He crossed all the desert places of the city and kept on throwing one bag in any remote or village area he saw. It took him the whole day to get rid of all teh bags he was having.
When he reached back his apartment, he saw people talking in the compound…”Don’t know how the whole water tank got emptied today…we haven’t been able to do anything today…we had to purchase water barrels.”
Shoaib simply went in, as if he is the most ‘unknown’ to all this. After a few days, he changed his name, residence and look as well (a little), and started living a new life with some ‘another’ girl in some other corner of the world. And….No one ever came to know about a tragic love story that took place here.
Aisha…all her mistake was that she trusted a man, and decided to even go against the wishes of her family. She loved him so much, that her affection always overpowered her anger and suspicion, that ever occurred for Shoaib. But, despite so much love, all she got was a dreaded and painful end, that too from the very man she loved.
People might question whether should she have trusted him, whether should she have gone against her family. But in life, sometimes, we just go on our instincts, based on our love, faith and trust. Sometimes it goes right and sometimes it doesn’t. Sadly for Aisha, the case came out to be the latter one. It’s the intentions of people like Shoaib that must be questioned, but definitely not the love of people like Radha.