Nowadays the most Trending topic or Hashtag in the Country ; or rather say in whole world is ME TOO . It’s not a joyous one but signifies Shame for our Society as it is used by Women who are sexually assaulted and harrassed by Men . But from where it started ; , of course not from INDIA ; Who started it ; come on let’s find out .
It was started in 2006 by TARANA BURKE an American-African civil rights activist ; she coined the term MeToo while talking to a girl who revealed that her Mother’s boyfriend used to sexually abuse her ; Burke empathised her that she is not alone it happened to Me Too . She also penned her Story in an article which is available on Internet .
It bacame global phenomenon on 15 october by one Tweet of Hollyeood actress ALYSSA MILANO ; stating
“If you have been sexually assaulted and harassed write MeToo as reply as a reply to Tweet . If all do this ; we might give people a sense of magnitude of problem” .
The Tweet came 10 days after the Sensational report published by New York Times levelling serious sexual harassment charges on producer HARVEY WEINSTEIN . Soon women across the world started using this Hashtag .
The report was published by JODI KANTOR and MEGAN TWOHEY who also won 2017 PULITZER Prize for that report .
According to Pew Research ; this #METOO was used more than 19 Million times till 30 September in only English taking the Average to 55,319/Day . The single-largest number of mention was on September 9, when Leslie Moonves, chairman and chief executive of CBS, resigned amid allegations of sexual misconduct . The research also found that mainly 2 kinds of #METOO exists . First involving Film Celebrities and other involving personal issues . 29%allegations were of first Caregory ; 71%Tweets came in English language . GOOGLE has also created a Dedicated Website called ME TOO RISING on search trends related to MeToo across the world ; it shows cities where the Campaign is trending . A startling fact comes up that MeToo has been searched in all 195 countries atleast once within tge past 1 year .
In INDIA this started on 7th October with Actress TANUSHREE DUTTA putting sexaul harassment calims on Veteran Actor NANA PATEKAR during the shooting of Film HORN OK PLEASSS 10 years back . After that the names of big personalities like CHETAN BHAGAT , PACHAURIA , VINOD DUA , TRIVEDI , SAJID KHAN , RAJAT KAPOOR , KAILASH KHER , GURSIMRAN KHAMBA , ANU MALIK , ALOK NATH , VIKAS BAHL and Union Minister MJ AKBAR against whom near 20 women ; mostly Journalists made allegations . MeToo is still the most searched topic in recent times in India . Most trending ones were also those against whom the allegations were made . Chetan Bhagat and MJ Akbar were trending on peak positions after being alleged . It gained momentum on TWITTER , picked up on FACEBOOK and was also the most discussed topic on Instagram with over 15 Lakh posts .
Almost all of the accused denied the Allegations on them ; but except few none are telling Truth that I can Guarantee . I can say about NANA PATEKAR that he is Innocent as all the people in Film industry not only respect him but also Love him ; according to sources everyone says that he is a High Temper guy but will never do such a thing . So in this case I am with NANA . SAJID KHAN has the image of a CREEP Guy who always lays hand on woman ; I don’t have even 1% doubt that he is a Culprit . CHETAN BHAGAT made the Screenshots public in which he talked with the lady who alleged her . He said to girl that I want to WOO you and in other conversation she said “MISS YOU KISS YOU” . As per Chetan Bhagat the girl is trying to defame her as the time period about which she is talking about Bhagat he was not a big name whereas the girl was . Here I am with Chetan Bhagat as I think his arguments are Logical and also I have personal Bias for him as he is my WRITING INSPIRATION . I am no one to say who is really Culprit and who is being Trapped ; but I just gave my Opinion in these 2-3 cases as I had much idea about it and it’s absolutely my PERSONAL Opinion ; don’t take them in a Wrong way .
Just see the case of MJ AKBAR ; how Shameful the minister and his party is . More than 20 women alleged him ; one Journalist told than when she came to interview her in Hotel Room he greeted her in Towel and then harassed her . Such claims came from around 20 women and if this happens no ome can say that the Man is Innocent . But this Idiot calmly said that “Why Allegations are coming just before Elections ; it must be Political Strategy by the Opposition party” . See how easily this guy denied all claims from so many women being such a senior minister he needed to talk properly atleast . Also his Party BJP called him Innocent . Such statements came from party President AMIT SHAH ; who I doubt will also face this allegation soon and the EVERGREEN SUPERIDIOT SMRITI IRANI ; for whom I don’t need to say anything . But when protests gained too much pace and party found that it may give negative effects in upcoming elections then MJ AKBAR resigned citing that he will devote time to fight the case in Court . But resigning is not the Punishment ; real treatment is still pending in the hands of Court . Just after that GOI formed a Committee to review and take over such cases ; but as per I think it is just a Political Appeasement as if they really cared for such a thing ; then let me remind you that the maximum no. of MLA and MP with Rape and Harassment charges are in BJP and as NaMo promised agaisnt how many did they logged Complaint . Also Congress has a similar story and is no different .
Now just look at the time of DURGA PUJA where a man creates a Lady God with all his efforts so that she can kill the Demon and save the world from the Wrath of demon and the man also bows down to her . But the real question is do Men really see women with that perspective ; NO as they violate and contradict their own Nature and Behaviour at Home . If they do then why can’t they provide them Dignity , Respect and Protection that they deserve .
It’s not the case that only young men and non married guys indulge in such activities but even those who are married and are of BLOODY GRANDFATHER Age also are top Contenders here . I just can’t understand what allows these BASTARDS to treat a Women like that as if she is a SEX TOY which can be used anytime they get HORNY . They don’t know that they need a Girl’s permission to even Touch her and they go on to such high levels . What do you say about a Man jumping on his Co-star shouting “You are Mine” . Touching co-stars at Unwanted parts and forcing to have Sex with them . Will they behave in a similar fashion with their Sister ; forget about being a Colleague . Some SLUT kinda Actresses were saying that these Sex are Casual and very Usual and no one bothers it and are ready for it . Just listen whether it’s your Wife , Girlfriend , Colleague or even a Sex Worker if she has not given her consent or is not willing to involve in it or she just says NO . It means she is not interested in having Sex at the moment and you can’t FUCKING Touch her any further . NO means NO .
Actually I am telling you where the problem lies ; it’s not the case that Someone respects or disrespects women right from Birth . A child specially in India grows up watching his Mother under the Reign and Dominance of his Father ; he always exercise controls over her whenever making a Choice regarding something , shows Anger and high temper for petty matters like delay in preparation of Food , small mistake in doing some Rituals , as it may harm the FUCKING HERITAGE of their Family . Even when in a argument if a women raises High Tone then she is said that “Tone Down you’re a Women” , so a man can shout like a HIPPO but women should always like a CAT . So a child right from beginning learns that he can exercise Control over a women throughout the Life . It’s not the case that some people whose Upbringing is quite different from specified above don’t Indulge in such activities but that’s where the Core Root of the problem lies . Children need to be taught from very beginning that how they should behave with Women with respect and dignity .
But one more point I would like to make very clear that maybe in very few cases only but Girls alleging were telling Lie just to defame the Man an dgain some big publicity as getting name attached in a big campaign as METOO will definitely raise her Bar . The famous Hair Stylist SAPNA BHAVANI said that soon allegation will appear on AMITABH BACHCHAN . How can one try to defame the Superstar of the Millenium . Even a Model accused SALMAN KHAN and his two Brothers of Raping her . I know that he doesn’t has a Good and Positive image and I also don’t admire his Character but I can guarantee it that he can’t go to that Extent . Some women from various parts are accusing Men of MeToo for Non deserving matters . I heard a case where a women accused his Boss of MeToo when he just scolded her and then the man just decided to never employ a Women in future . By doing such False Claims some women are demeaning the real Essence of MeToo the campaign started by some really Brave women ; I would like to request all women please don’t make any false claims to spoil this Marvelous campaign .
I would like to say something to the Girls . Sometimes Girl misunderstand Friendly FLIRTING as Harassment . It’s my humble request that don’t include those guys in that FUCKING Category of Molesters . I myself Flirt with some Girls who are my good friends in a Joking manner and neither do I cross the line nor do they feel molested . I am talking just that don’t mix these two entirely different Behaviour . Also I am not satisfied with the response of Men ; why are they Quite . If something like this happens with your Sister will you keep Quite . If you will not speak then you will also be FREEZED in that BRACKET only . So speak up Boys or else the whole MEN Community will be let down due to the activities of some
Now let me tell you the story of the Man who has taught me to respect and dignify Women and whom I really admire , idolise and adore . He is none other than SHAH RUKH KHAN . He needs no introduction ; man who is called King of Romance who has worked and Romanced with so many Beautiful girls but no has ever seen cases of his Affair or Harassment . He married before becoming an Actor and never went for any other women . Even when he was 45 and was romancing with Debutants like ANUSHKA SHARMA and DEEPIKA PADUKONE who were half of his Age . They said that the Warmth and Humbleness they received , no one expects that from such a big Superstar . Even they said that they knew one thing right after Debut that whether he is a Great Actor or not but he is a very Good Person and they both maintain very good Bonding and Friendship with him . Even he always says that his whole Success is bowed down to Women . That’s what actually matters because however big personality you may be as a Professional your Stardom may fade with time but your Goodness and Love you receive can never never fade . There are many people setting examples but I mentioned just him as he is my Idol and I don’t follow anyone else as much as I follow him . All those who KICKED Out the ones against whom the Allegations were laid . We can all take Inspiration from him to hiw to work with women without assaulting her feelings .
So here I will clarify my Heading . This METOO Wave has surely ensured a sense of Fear among Men that even if they harassingly touched her or angrily pushed her they might land in big trouble as she can file ME TOO against him . So I think that it will make Men mannered and civilized when dealing with man . I genuinely believe that Women are the greatest creation ever . Also whenever such activities take place not just a women but also the Society , Country and WE are Ashamed . So I would like to rename this Campaign as #WETOO .
Also at last I would like to give a Grand Salute to all the Women who stood up against all Odds and fought against big names for Justice and proving the Above Tag . Some people may have got scared in sending their Daughters and some Women themselves outside for Work amidst this MeToo as what are they getting in return for their Labour to study ,Hard work and coming out of their home to work just Harrassment and Molestation . But I am boldly saying that I will be very fortunate to have a Daughter when I will have one and also my Little Sister ; I will boldly send her for bringing Name and Fame and teach her not to worry for these Garbage Standard ones and just keep on Shining ; you deserve to Blossom the whole environment as you are the Best creation of the Nature Ever .