What is happening in our Country ; neither we are respecting other religions nor we feel any need to do so . We always use RELIGION whenever we talk about anyone and each religion wants to admit that his religion is Best and even if one supposes that who gave him the right to undermine other religions . What do the LYNCHINGS and Oppresssion of Minorities which is on a High from 2014 signify about the religious group and their Mentality .
Who will answer Lynching of AKHLAQ who was killed for keeping a piece of Meat in their Refrigerator . Who wil answer Harassment JUNAID faced in the train for keeping Beard and was eventually stabbed to death .Who will answer the Killing of a meat trader in Uttar Pradesh without eliciting Eyerolls . How Brutal it seems to even discuss these incidents , just imagine who the Demons are who execute these activities . How much IMPUNITY they enjoy ; Mobs composed of men of all age group , brought together by rumours on Social Media specially WHATSAPP .
This noxious turn taken can be traced back to pre independence cow protection movement which led to the first ever Communal Riot in India and co incidentally the last Riot in India few days back also occurred due to Controversy over Cow Meat only . From then on only pockets of HATRED were created , HINDUs were barred from selling Cows even Old and Infirm ones to Muslims as they were considered threat to HINDU India and their religious symbol . It led to further SCHISM between Majority HINDUS and Minority MUSLIMS . The fundamental principle of modern nation state are being demolished by the HINDU nationlists .
Also what makes these Lynching activities is the dominance of BJP Extremists and HINDU institutions on Social media and WhatsApp . Fake WhatsApp messages whip up a frenzy in minutes and before any sanity can prevail inocents are clobbered to Death . Even the news and media which was called Intrinsically Biased before 2014 now points to Contrary . News is actually MANUFACTURED in the TV Studio by these Reporters cum NewsMakers . On WhatApp dissidents are openly threatened with chest thumping Fake videos and News snippets on Hate and Prejudice . So basically it’s public anger manufactured on TV , mobilized and through WhatsApp resulting in blood thristy mob . Mob that killed meat trader in UP consisted a boy of 14 . What is leading to this Misdirection is that the environment is also being polluted by these KEYBOARD DESHBHAKTS .
Even Supreme Court condemned these activities and recommended Parliament to enact a separate Law dealing with punishment of these Offenders with Iron Hand . These Horrendous acts can’t be tolerated and allowed to become Law themselves and make it a Norm . Court has said whatever the movie be Cow Vigilantism or belief that this person is a Child Abducter ; doesn’t matter , CRIME is a CRIME . Social Media Rumours has taken lives so easily that even a will not be able to . Rumours of child lifters have taken several lives in Maharashtra . Few days back 5 people were lynched by a group despite police intervention in DHULE village north Maharashtra due to rumour that they are Gang of child lifters . In Tamil Nadu PERMAMPATTI village in TRICHY district 2 men were brutally beaten due to same rumour but they somehow survived .
While Supreme Court Bench of CJI DIPAK MISHRA , justices AM KHANWILKAR and D Y CHANDRACHUD said government has to take punitive , preventive and remedial steps to stop lynching incidents ; Centre and State have to file Compliance report on a series of directions given by SC to prevent and punish lynching , Court asked all states to take stern measures ; appointing senior police officer as Nodal Officer in each district and checking these incidents per week . Centre in submission told that Law and Order comes under state government and court may deal with them if they are not following it’s order . Court sought response from RAJASTHAN , UTTAR PRADESH and HARYANA on plea action in these cases . TUSHAR GANDHI the great grandson of MAHATMA GANDHI has filed Contempt Petition that the states have not complied by the order .
In less than 2 months 13 incidents of lynching due to rumours have taken taking 27 lives . Even in tribal state like JHARKHAND these incidents surfaced ; two men were lynched due to suspicion of Cattle theft . HC convicted 11 men (Only Conviction in this matter despite occurrence so many) including a BJP leader and a local member of GAU RAKSHA SAMITI for lynching a meat trader . Two earlier lynching of Cattle trader remain unpunished . A frenzied mob in HAPUR district UTTAR PRADESH lynched a man and critically injured his friend over rumour of Cow Slaughter . A 45 year old man was thrashed to death and his friend severely thrahsed for allegedly slaughtering the Cow .
Let’s see the legal status of Beef and whether it is Illegal or not in Indian states . As per DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND FISHERIES it is seen that out of 29 it’s banned in 24 states with Penalty applicable if rule violated . On an average penalty ranges around 1000 Fine and 6 month imprisonment ; but in some sates imprisonment period or Fine amount is more while somewhere there is No Penalty . Somewhere all Beefs are banned while somewhere only Cow Meat is banned. MEGHALAYA , SIKKIM , MIZORAM , TRIPURA , NAGALAND , ARUNACHAL PRADESH , WEST BENGAL and KERALA have no disciplinary rule reagrding the matter . In some specific states consumption us allowed after issue of specific Certificate . Despite this India continues to remain world’s second largest producer of Beef (BRAZIL first) . Beef ban has led to Underground business givung rise to 30000 Illegal Slaugterhouses . But Beef is consumed by SC/ST as a regular diet as they can’t afford costly Protein Rich diet .
But it’s just one side of the story , looking at the other side ; Only 30% of Beef is used for Meat , rest 70% is used for products like button , soap , toothpaste , paint brushes and surgical stiches . Out of 30% mostly it’s WATER BUFFALO as Cow is either banned or allowed with Strict Rider . Also transporting or exporting Meat of Cow Genus is a non-bailable offence punishable upto 10 years in Jail . Few days back government restricted sale of Cattle for sale in animal market ; not only it hurt Meat Industry but much more than that . Actually government is just looking to reap the reward of Vigilantism present in the society but the export , economic and rural implications are being ignored . According to 2012 Livestock Census , India has a total of 191 million cows and bulls and 109 million water buffaloes which implied the Cattle is roughly 25% of India’s human population and most of them end up as Strays on steets and this no. will rise EXPONENTIALLY . India exported 2.4 million tonnes of Buffalo meat to 65 countries in 2014-15 , ie , 23.5 % of global Beef exports . It was worth 30000 crore accounting for 1% of India’s total exports and was a part of PINK REVOLUTION also talked derisively by NaMo before 2014 elections . The most affected sector will be non mechanized rural economy as the cycle of Cattle providing farners sustainability .
For example , a farmer buys a Cow at 25000 which is sellable at same price after 2 years . But if it becomes Ill , Injured or Useless farmer can sell it for culling over 10000 to Old Cattle Houses . This ROI(RATE OF INVESTMENT) helps farmer to raise capital fir replacement animal and if it is taken away then not only farmer will find it difficult to bring new animal but also brings an extra cost of upkeeping the animal . Another case , Maharashtra an old cattle house had a 1180 crore annual turnover . When state government banned culling and progeny of Cow in 2015 a farmer with an unproductive bull had nowhere to go to get rid of it . Also an avearge Bovine consumes 65 litres water and 40 kg Fodder which costs nearly 40000 per year at 2015 prices . With an estimated 1.18 million Unproductive Bulls across the state ; Feeding costed 4700 crore per year . Before these anti-culling supporters celebrate the most delicious item TUNDAY KABAB or GOAN SHAK they should consider exactly what they are losing and what the Nation is losing .
But why the violence and anger over eating BEEF an Animal is going so strong . Actually COW is considered a Holy Animal which is worshipped whole-heartedly by the HINDU community . Ascendancy of Cow in Indian culture to adorable and respectable position due to influence of ARYAN culture . Literary evidence from VEDAS slaughter of animals was the need of hour even Buffaloes and Bulls were slaughtered but COW was spared called GOGHANA (not to be slayed) . Cattle has always been an integral part of economy and religion in Indian subcontinent right from the time domestication of cattle started in MESOLITHIC period (8000-6000 BC) in BEGAR in RAJASTHAN and ADAMGARH in UTTAR PRADESH . During HARAPPAN civilisation there is a strong evidence of Bull/Buffalo used for economic and religious purposes .
Since no Decipherable script of that time exists now , it can’t be said that whether BEEF was consumed or not . But slaughter of animals for Dietray and Ritual purposes continued until BUDDHA launched protest against too much killings of animals ; it also had an economic angle as many cattles were wasted could have used for better Agragian and Urban economy of 6th century BC . But he never advocated Full Vegetarianism . During GUPTA period even BRAHMANS were non vegans but switched to Vegan as a response to Bodhic movement ; but other sections of HINDUs continued to be non-vegan and there is NO historical evidence that Beef was not at all consumed by Brahmins when they were Non-Vegans . As TURKISH arrived by 11th century AD consumption of Beef even Cow increased as a matter of food preference . Historical evidence shows that ARYA SAMAJ cow protection committees sparked off comunal tensions in Calcutta in 1880s .
So it’s very clear that cow protection has been a part of Indian culture right from 19th century but also there is no evidence that Beef was not consumed by Non-Muslims . This issue is always taken as Contrast between HINDUBamd ISLAMIC culture . We all should make and accept the Plea of respecting Cows as it’s the animal of special status in the culture and whose MILK every child grows up drinking BUT forceful ban on beef consumption can’t be accepted and instead be Counter productive that too when no history exists of it’s non consumption and other Cattle animals were and are easily consumed . Even Emperor ASHOKA never banned Meat consumption he just restricted it to two deer and one peacock in his Royal Kitchen . So we also in this Modern era can’t expect or even think that we can continue with Beef banned just because one community doesn’t consume it ; there are others living as well .
What is a big problem is that HINDUS are straightaway considered as Patriots while MUSLIMS have to go an extra mile to prove it . Even if someone among Muslims does good it’s said that “In Muslims also there are good people” directly creating the image that Majority of them are bad only as if Hindus are all ANGELS . Why have we become so much Obsessed with Religion that neither Humanity nor Nation is respectable now . Why such statements are boldly made on Loudspeakers that “Topi pehenne wale bhi Ram ke naam par sar jhukayenge” (Those who wear caps ; ie, Muslims will also bow in front of RAM) . Is it a joke how can you and why do you want to make other religion bow for YOUR God . Will you keep ROZA and go to CHURCH PRAYERS ; if no then why are you expecting such Nonsensical things . Also more Offensive is that such statements being made on Loudspeakers ; only these incidents lead to Communal Riots . What the main Agenda of these activists is having a HINDU RASHTRA ; just tell me is the Country owned by your Father or you are an Illiterate as it’s mentioned in the Constitution that India is a SECULAR Country and if you can’t follow or respect our Constitution then you go to some other nation . Also not just that such incidents don’t occur from the MUSLIM side ; many times it’s seen that in Muslim Areas people are celebrating PAKISTAN’s victory and INDIA’s loss . The former is acceptable as everyone has a right to like a team but latter is a CRIME , you are bursting Crackers to demean our nation and make fun of us , on the contrary to last case here the HINDUS take on them and again Communal Riot occurs , if you have so much Affection for that TERRORISM HUB then you better go there only , you also got the option during Partition . As far as Patriotism is concerned no one has an option you are neither a HINDU nor a MUSLIM but an INDIAN . But when it’s come to religion you don’t have the right to spread Communalism and bring Intolerance situation .
Just take the BULANDSHAHAR incidence where a Piece of meat was thrown in a Hindu area and obviously Outraged the Hindus and when police came to investigate the case , just because it was taking time to investigate the Locals and BAJRANG DAL Activists started attacking on police only by pelting stones and as a tear bringing fact the Superindent was KILLED using Axe by a Mob ; and the whole Mob was provoked by BAJRANG DAL Head , though both are arrested now but who has given these people the right to take Law in their hands and kill those who safeguard it . Also once again ruling party showed it’s cheap standard by trying to portray that the Killer is Muslim as a Muslim function was going on 40 km away from the place , later police clarified that there is no truth in it . Also the world class reporter was doing DNA and spreading false impression . Also when investigation was going on more concern of state government was towards the Death of Cow instead of Police SP as CLEARLY mentioned in the FIR . The arrested Haed of Bajrang Dal had his face and name on yhe poster of Makar Sankranti . I don’t understand the mindset of government ; our PM follows those who openly support killing of Jounalist , Police’s MURDER is not given Heed and murderer is given name and fame ; and then they expect no one should be scared and if anyone is he should go to PAKISTAN . The DSP also wrote a heartfelt message on Facebook and it’s Obvious that Police is very sad by the situation . The family of SP was also crying and demanded Justice . This situation really made me teary eyed We can never repay what Police and Army does for us but we can atleast respect them and even if that seems too difficult for you then atleast don’t make them and their Family Cry .
Let’s come to another recent controversy – the NASERUDDIN SHAH Statement where he firstly said that ” A Scary and Fearful atmosphere has been created in the country . Death of cow is being prioritised over the death of Cop . I fear that if one day a Mob surrounds my children and ask their religion they will not have any answer as I and RATNA (Wife) haven’t brought up them teaching Religion ” . Later on after controversy was on Fire he clarified that his only intention was to portray the problem of nation as it is his Nation and he does not want to take neither Advantage nor Disadvantage of his Relgion . But after a few days he again said through a video of AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL that – “Under this government poors have been crushed , Intolerance has been spread and voices coming against it have been crushed by either arresting , Raiding them or by firing Journalists from job . Is this the India we all dreamt of at the time of independence . This new year let’s remind the government that they are from us and we are not from them ” . I would say that I am not completely in support of the statement as I do find it a bit over the top but I have to agree on the core majority part .
Also I am not fully in favour because remember he is the same guy who filed MERCY PETITION for 26/11 Terrorist YAKUB MENON and who called our Indian Captain VIRAT KOHLI the worst behaved player in the world saying his cricketing brilliance is hid by his on field arrogance ; it was really a Nonsensical statement and having such a wrong misconception about your national captain will never improve your goodwill . But yes the majority part was absolutely true ; if the incidences I described above happen it’s really a Fearful Atmosphere for the community who is being crushed and the ones being crushed have the RIGHT to feel scared . But I was really shocked to see how people reacted to it . The brilliant DNA journalist called him anti national who has sold his nation for money and has read a given script using his Acting brilliance . But why is he being abused for pinpointing a problem present in our recent society , don’t we have the right to say even that . It is my country and if I find something wrong I WILL bring it to everyone’s notice so that it can be cured just as if there is a problem in my house I will pinpoint it so that Me and my family members can rectify it and I will not think what will my family members say about me as I don’t want that this problem is raised by someone outside my family . It’s better to solve it internally before Foreign countries complain about it . Also each time giving example of PAKISTAN and other downtrodden Islamic countries and pathetic conditions of minorities there to defend any mishappening in our country . Is PAKISTAN our new benchmark or we don’t know that those are Religiously Biased countries while we are SECULAR Country as per the constitution ; here we understand why we need to praise our Constitution framers . Also another Idiotic excuse I saw that it was said that why was he not scared during 26/11 and why he didn’t said this in that situation and that situation and that situation . For the former excuse I would say that 26/11 was a Conspiracy by Terrorists outside our country but mob lynching is a one which happens inisde by our own people . For latter excuse I would say there is no point giving same statement time to time . If you like it that much you can watch the same Recording again and again and fulfil your wish .
Also we see cases where LOVERS of opposite religion are Harassed . A case took place in Uttar Pradesh where a Muslim boy and Hindu girl were together in a park and both were arrested . The boy was tortured while girl was harassed by lady police officers ; screaming how she dared to love a Muslim . Also a similar case occurred in UP only where Muslim boy was meeting a Hindu girl and VHP (VISHWA HINDU PARISHAD) Attacked the boy as if they will Kill him but a police officer GAGANDEEP SINGH came to the rescue and despite facing blows he pulled the boy out safely . It was a Historic moment where a Hindu was attacking a Muslim and a Sikh came to the rescue truly depicting the Essence of our country ; INDIA , which is being Murdered by these MORONS .
These incidents primarily occuring in UP shows the governance and direction of leadership there ; their CM YOGI ADITYANATH had said in a speech many years back that his ultimate aim is making INDIA a Hindu Rashtra . Now you all are intelligent enough to relate incidents in UP with the Governance easily . SHASHI THAROOR rightly said that if this party(BJP) comes back in power it’s primary objective will be to attain a Hindu Rashtra . These institutions may not clearly state their ultimate aim but it is to transform INDIA into a HINDU RASHTRA or say HINDU PAKISTAN where just one religion will be the Dominator and others Slaves just like it happens in PAKISTAN . Now just think practically that These religious institutions who don’t have anything to do just keep on checking out opportunities to spread their Religious dominance . All these religious institutions should be banned with immediate effect as they don’t add anything to our country but take away the Togetherness and Harmony .
According to these if my fav actor is SHAH RUKH KHAN and not AKSHAY KUMAR or favourite singer is ATIF ASLAM not ARIJIT SINGH then I am not a Patriot . Another Nonsense idea was having responding to roll calls with JAI HIND JAI BHARAT in the government schools in Gujarat . Why the people don’t understand that Patriotism is not an Injection which can be injected into someone it has to be within . Can anyone guarantee that anyone saying JAI HIND JAI BHARAT will not support PAKISTAN in Cricket match . What do this changing of city names signify just to show HINDU Dominance and making one religion feel downtrodden . Whatever name changing occurred in History , but just leaving out all prioroty works aside just changing city names will not head us anywhere as the city will still be remembered by it’s characteristics .
In my opinion Religion does only one thing it DIVIDES people . Where there is religion there can’t be peace and Harmony and where there is peace and harmony there is no need of Religion . Just tell me is there any difference between a Random HINDU or a MUSLIM ; if not why we fight talking about this SHIT . Why don’t we understand just one simple fact “There are only two types of people GOODS and BADS ; Goods those who do good and Bads those who do Bad” . What we are doing is just what the BRITISH wanted and every Enemy of INDIA wants that these two communities always walk poles apart ; before these Differences were made both community used to lived peacefully together as said by my Grandfather , around 1906 the spark of fight was enlightened by British amongst them and from then on Fire has been on a rising high only . Only that led to our partition and only that will lead to our Destruction . This is the strongest Weapon for political parties who use it for their electoral and political benefits as it’s too easy for them to spark Riots using FLESH of CONCERNED religions they want to hurt . How far will we go in this never ending fight .
As far as I am concerned I am an ATHEIST and only see GOD wherever there is LOVE . But if really something like that exists it must be Crying looking at the situation making the world and human with so much Passion and Delicacy and then seeing them fight over a point which actually doesn’t even exist . The way out of here is only one way we all should , or HAVE to take the decision to be of INDIAN Religion . We all have to give up the religions created by some Businessmen so called PRIESTS and embrace Humanity and Nationlism . One should worship the God he believes in but there is no need of religion for that . Why to put the concept of RELIGION in the minds of Children right from birth and school ; we can allow all children to grow up together without knowing concept of religion and the next generation will be perfectly Indian . You can mark my words if there will be no religion I can guarantee there won’t be any Communal riots or religion related debates / arguments . And if these two forces come together no power can stop India from becoming the GREATEST in the World . But for that we have to adopt only one religion INDIAN and if anyone tries to divide us in the name of religion we have to be SECULARLY INTOLERANT .