The biggest festival of Democracy is here . It will kick start from 11th of April and will take place in several stages across different parts of our country . The result will come out on 23rd of May and the NEW PM will take Oath on 26th May . Giving Vote is the biggest power we have and with great power comes great responsibility . So it’s our responsibility that we do a complete analysis of what the current government has done and which party has more credibility to lead us and take the country forward . So my Article will be in Series of 3 ; 1 with MODI Report Card , 2 with Manifestos and Campaign , 3rd will come up after the new government comes .
Let’s start with an analysis of MODI Government’s performance in various sectors throughout his tenure :
GDP Growth Rate
It was around 7.5 in the first few years but is merely around 6.7 from last 2 years . The reasons are not external but internal only ; DEMONETISATION DISASTER is the Protagonist of this Destructive story which pulled the growth rate to 5.7 in the last quarter of the year when it was implemented keeping in mind that 1% fall in GDP Rate makes Even it was published in a report of NSC that GDP growth was better under the UPA Rule . What is further disturbing that their have been many attempts to manipulate the data and present as if we are witnessing a high growth .
Forget about the 2 crore employment as promised , we are witnessing the biggest ever job crisis . In 2018 only we lost close to 11 million jobs and Unemployment is at a 45 year record high . Cases have been seen where for 62 peon posts 92 thousand people applied including quite a few PHDs and for Railways Group D (Lowest Rank) 82 lakh graduates applied for 62000 posts . Nobel Laurette Economist PAUL KRUGMAN has warned India of a Job Crisis which is a very negative mark on the report card . Here also government tried to present reports trying to show that per year 1.5 crore jobs have been created ; but this report was completely Rubished by almost all noted sources . Apart from that there have been attempts by government that actual reports don’t get public which is a Big CRIME in my opinion .
For further knowledge on how government misled us regarding Unemployment you can refer to my Excerpt of my Article on UNION BUDGET . Link is given below :
Here MODI government has performed better than the UPA ; as it is at 3.6% as compared to 10.1% during 2013-14 . Also another reason for it is lower crude oil prices in the world market . Despite that LPG , PETROL and DIESEL saw record high surged prices as governemnt kept very high indirect tax on it and also barred it from GST but overall Inflation was still under control .
Here there has been an above expectation performance and we have improved around 65 places from above 140 to below 80 now . There has been an improvement in our RAW Score which shows that our improvement is not just because others are detoriating but also because we have improved a lot due to strategic and correct decisions taken at the correct time .
Government claims that road construction drastically increased from 69 km/day in 2013-14 to 134 km/day in 2017-18 . But it’s the AVERAGE which should be taken under consideration . Here also NDA has performed better with an average of 116 km in contrast to 102 . HIGHWAYS also experienced a greater construction speed but percentage increase in no. of highways constructed is almost same . In RAILWAYS , NDA has allocated more money than UPA times and as a result more tracks were laid down in this tenure . Regarding ELECTRIFICATION , government made a false claim almost a year ago that they have achieved 100% Electrification in all villages . But later it was found that this was yet another JUMLA . Facts came out in media reports that 31 million villages are still in Dark with some being so worse that not even one house is lighted . Even such villages were cointed by government as electrified where only Poles were set . Also if we look at Electrification per year ; it was 12000 in 2005-06 and 2013-14 (under UPA) while only 4600 in 2014-18 . So despite reaching out to last left out villages is a Tedious task but still the performance will be termed Middling in the sector .
This government deserves negative marking only in this regard . If one has to vote just taking this aspect in consideration ; this party should literally never back to power . According to study by YALE ; BJP gains in polls by every Riot taking place , actually it shows the gravity of the situation . In the name of LOVE JIHAD and COW PROTECTION ; Lynching has been made a common practice . Who will forget what happened in DADRI or BULANDSHEHAR ; just few weeks back 20-25 Muslims were beaten by entering in their house and were ordered to go to PAKISTAN . Hate crimes and violence has been at an all time high after BJP came in power with not even once did the CHOWKIDAAR got the balls to condemn these activities publicly . The organisations take Law and Order in their hands by gaining confidence from the Hate speeches given by top leaders of BJP . It’s not that hate crimes have never happened before but the case was not that shameful before that Lynchers were associated with ruling party and running with their support .
Lynching Story : https://aruneshsinha.wordpress.comEDUCATION/2019/01/17/secularly-intolerant/
NDA Cabinet definitely have more women members with many holding prominent and strong posts with the likes of SUSHMA SWARAJ and NIRMALA SITHARAMAN and both are making us proud with their incredible job . But just having women ministers is not enough , your Femisism needs to prove itself when the need arises . In KATHUA , BJP ministers attended a Rally that was in support of the Rapists and even the lawyer who fought the case for Rapists was made the Chief Advocate in J&K . They also tried to bury the case as the rapist was a Hindu by building pressure on lawyers and police officers who tried to send Rapists behind Bars . In UNNAO a BJP MLA was accused of Rape with YOGI ADITYANATH coming in support of hin . In West Bengal a BJP Activist was found involved in Women Trafficking . Also there was no action agaisnt MJ AKBAR against whom multiple female journalists filed MeToo agaisnt him . Some Positives can be seen with schemes like BETI BACHAO BETI PADHAO . Open defecation has been reduced by 26% which is a big achivement in my opinion . LPG Cylinder distribution was also a good scheme but seldom any poor household was able to purchase a second one after the first one being free due to high cost . So basically we can say that schemes have been publiciser a lot but in reality performance is average only .
ME TOO : https://aruneshsinha.wordpress.com/2018/10/26/metoo-maybe-this-wave-will-repair-the-indian-system/
There has been a rise in crimes against dalits . Apart from that government has been attempting to pass an act to take such settlement lands which are useful for production , I though personally am in favour of this as country’s output is very important , but yes it really causes inconvenience for the Dalits and this government stands under the scanner as reports have come that government easily gave away forests for not so important industrial projects . STAND UP INDIA was brought which promised easy and cheap loans for investment for Dalits . But according to a report only 6% Banks have actually followed it .
The promise was to double their income by 2022 but this has been declared as a JUMLA by almost all agricultural economists as it doesn’t look happening . Farmer Suicides has been the most under this government which means there is something which is going wrong . There were cases like farmer has to sell 750 kg Onions for 1074 and donating to PM RELIEF FUND as what could he done of such a less amount . Cases were also where farmers had to destroy their crops in grief . They have to sell their goods by travelling to MANDIs far away and they were not even able to recover their costs . e-MANDIs were easy to say in speech but extremely difficult to implement even at a small scale as we can see here . Farmers did Rallys in extremely high numbers , perhaps in largest numbers in our history without getting satisfactory response from their side . MSP has been consistently very low and 1.5 times increase in MSP which was a promise that should have been implemented in first year only was enacte now . But here also they played a Trick by giving MSP on a different formula which excludes some prominent costs from consideration . so that they still have to give them lesser amount and they come out clean of promises . Even Nobel Laurette economist AMARTYA SEN had recommended a new formula long ago . These were the main reason of BJP Election defeats in 3 big states . Keeping this in mind just before elctions in the Interim Budget Government decided to give 6000 per annum to poor farmers . On one hand it is just 6% of a farmer’s income so what support will it be able to provide . on other hand just distributing money with aim of electoral benefits does not lead to eradication of our Farmer problem .
Regarding this government is at par with the INDIRA GANDHI Government of EMERGENCY time and we are undergoing an Unofficial Emergency . Journalists have been killed , arrested , fired and forced to resign . Those who run the propaganda of government are on a high baisaclly the GODI MEDIA . Jouralists like RAVISH KUMAR are seldom free from Death threats . Youtuber DHRUV RATHEE lives outside India so that no one can intervene or attack him . Also according to the INDEX used in this regard , our freedom of exepression has fallen by 27% which has brought us to a very miserable position in this Index . Also we all saw what happened with PADMAVAT and DILWALE
It is often said that this party has not a single corruption charge but the point to be thought over who will expose Corruption if one takes place , our GODI MEDIA , CBI which completely works under the interference of Government or the Journalists who are already being fired from their jobs for trying to expose government . ROHINI SINGH , a Journalist exposed ROBERT VADRA real estate Scam and whole media FEEDS upon that topic evem today , but when she exposed JAY AMIT SHAH no one even cared and the news was strongly pressed . In a report it came out that YEDURAPPA has given Crores of Bribes to top BJP leaders like GADKARI and JAITLEY , but this case ha snot even been investigated . RAGHURAM RAJAN gave a list of loan defaulters including some bog names and he has himself said that NO Action was taken . In the 2G Scam all 18 accused were aquiteed then who the hell did the Scam with people’s money . Keeping in mind PAK sent it’s PM NAWAZ SHARIF to jail after he was convicted on his name appearing in PANAMA Papers who is getting rotten there what have we done when some Union Minsters got their name in the same papers . Name of SMRITI IRANI also appeared in a land scan but only the scams involving GABDHI Family was highlighted . This government also took the historic decision to LEGALISE Corruption ; it allowed anonymous fundings for parties without the names of Donors being mentioned and as a result huge donations by Black money holders were made and 95% went to BJP only . Also for the first time it allowed even foreign fundings for parties which is a very poor and shameful thing to literally BEG Money from abroad just for running a party . So if Corruption cases are not being allowed to come out doesn’t mean by any means that it’s not taking place .
CBI Story : https://aruneshsinha.wordpress.com/2018/12/25/cbi-v-cbi-tom-and-jerry-will-squeeze-the-whole-country-cheeseless/
It was publicly seen how harsh the CBI v CBI episode occurred with centre always playing an active role in it . RBI governor was forced to resign due to the circumstances created by government and the dominance they wanted to exhibit despite having 0 Knowledge about ECONOMY . ELECTION COMMISSION also had it’s behaviour under scanner when it set the poll dates in HIMACHAL PRADESH but not in GUJARAT so that NaMo gets ample time for rallys . Also NSSO was barred from publishing reports independent of and it was the first time in our history that 4 Supreme Court Judges walked down the court to conduct a press conference to say that integrity of Supreme Court is in Danger . So there are just too many cases as you can see to conclude that under MODI Government the institutions have experienced one of the worst ever Trauma .
RBI Trauma : https://aruneshsinha.wordpress.com/2018/12/20/urjit-patel-the-vigilant-owl-flies-out-in-protest-as-the-nest-comes-under-attack/
It is being said that we have not undergone with any major terrorist attack since 2014 but yes Attacks have occured at URI , PATHANKOT , PULWAMA but these have happened outside mainstream country . In North East and other Maoist area the record is really good as deaths of civilians and military has decreased and better control has been shown . But in Kashmir the situation is as Worse as Hell as deaths of civilians , military are at an all time high and even Youth being radicalized into Militancy are rising Exponentially . But we can be very confident when it comes to utmost security and war like situations as we saw that we were able to AVENGE our attacks by surgical and air strikes . Use of JOSH and HOSH simultaneously left PAK Speechless and I say this again and again I may have differences with MODI Ji on many fronts but in this regard I never doubt him and indeed have utmost faith .
KASHMIR Issue : https://aruneshsinha.wordpress.com/2019/03/15/pulwama-part-2-of-3-the-valley-of-kashmir/
Air Strike : https://aruneshsinha.wordpress.com/2019/03/21/pulwama-part-3-of-3-hows-the-josh/
It is an area where the government has really done a decent job . NaMo has visited 55 countries in 48 foreign trips ; the cost came out 2021 crore but it is always Okay if it has really brought us some good . For competing with CHINA’s global prices India deepened deal with VIETNAM , AUSTRALIA and JAPAN and creating Quadratic Security Dialogue . India also saw it’s relations improving with countries in Gulf with the Middle East as our Foriegn Minster SUSHMA SWARAJ was invited as the chief guest in the OIC . She has really gone a remarkable job as we saw in several times she was able to bring back Indians trapped in other countries due to adverse circumstances with utmost smartness and courage . Also there is no doubt that our impression has improved in foreign .
But at the same time our relations with our immediate neighbours have worsened as NEPAL is moving closer to CHINA after we supported the coup there . In MALDIVES also work permits were being denied to Indian workers after our relation got sored with them . Even SRI LANKA now relies more on CHINA for support .
Considering relations with world powers ; the TRUMP-MODI Bromance is not at all as before as it has become a daily routine for Trump to warn us on breaking trade ties . Even the Subsidy we used to get being a developing country has been cancelled . What is even worse that even after being invited as Chief guest in REPUBLIC DAY he straightaway refused to come . Our relations with RUSSIA has remained stable as MODI also received highest honour from Russia . But the realtion is at all time worse with CHINA ; whether it is the DOKLAM issue where evn after so many meetings CHINA is still increasing forces and making roads and helipads or it is the continuous objection placed by CHINA on various issues like MASHOOD AZHAR named international terrorist and India getting permanent seat at the UN .
CHINA and VETO : https://aruneshsinha.wordpress.com/2019/03/29/the-nehru-the-china-and-the-veto/
In this sector this government has performed as bad as Hell . Take these Mob Lynchings only , it has occured more in these 5 years than in the whole history of our country . If someone says that BJP is not responsible for it ; then listen , BJP MLA in Alwar said that we don’t regret the lynching of PEHLU KHAN . Union minsiter (JAYANT SINHA) made Lynching convicts wear Garland and called them HONOURING LAW . The one accused in DADRI Killing was sitting in the front row in YOGI ADITYANATH’s Rally . Also keeping all other factors and crimes in mind look at the GLOBAL IMPUNITY INDEX which is made keeping in mind respect for justice , security and human rights . In 2017 our ranking was second last among 69 countries which I think is enough to represent the situation .
According to an estimate n India richest 1% control 73% of the Wealth which shows how unfair the situation is . But thus inequality was rising even during UPA and is also in NDA . So this government is not solely responsible , but it is definitely responsible for CRONY CAPITALISM ,ie, giving preferential treatment to some top industrialists like AMBANI , ADANI as we saw in RAFALE where ANIL AMBANI grabbed the contract of fighter jets without having any prior experience about it . Also there hasn’t been any measure to control this inequality .
It is calculated on the basis of LIFE EXPECTANCY , GROSS NATIONAL INCOME and EDUCATION . During UPA Term our ranking detoriated but it has considerably improved under the NDA term which is really a good sign .
Here right frim the beginning our allocation was used to be way below the mark but MODI Ji announced that we will bring it to 2.5% of GDP by 2025 and acvording to we are track of it . Looking at the schemes ; AYUSHMAN BHARAT has not been effective enough though it was launched with lot of drums . It plans to benefit 10 crore people with 5 lakh each but according to Economist JEAN DRÈZE itrequires government tp have 50000 crore but it’s budget allocation is only 2000 crore in 2018 budget . Mission INDRADHANUSH also has given a mixed performance .
Here the allocation has fallen in % each year and in 2018 it was 3m5% lowest in 10 years . One can learn from DELHI Government (AAP) which allocated 26% to Education . Apart from that CBSE paper was leaked , Scam occurred in SSC Exam and AIPMT Exam was also cancelled which caused rampant inconvenience to student . In many institutions it was tried to appoint a RSS Member only as Vice Chancellor (VC) and in PURVANCHAL university the VC ordered students to murder people saying we will take care . Also we saw how RELIANCE JIO UNIVERSITY which doesn’t even exist till now got EMINENCE Status and grabbed 1000 crore allocation . But on a good note it should be seen that many IITs and IIMs were also constructed which is a good sign .
In this sector government deserves appreciation ; allocation to Space sector increased to 11538 crore . ISRO received 50% more allocation to 6000 crore . MANGALYAN and MISSION SHAKTI (Anti Satellite) like mega historic developments occured with ample support of this government only . Also first “Man to Space” mission called GAGANYAN wa also announced which will take place in 2022 .
But R&D sector has been receiving only 0.6-0.7 % allocation in this tenure . Also many times BJP leader have given foolish statements ; NaMo said Genetic science existed in ancient times , Rajasthan eduaction minister said Cow exhales OXYGEN , a BJP leader said SITA MATA was a Surrogate baby . INDIAN SCIENCE CONGRESS said that during Vedic times inter planatory travelling planes existed . Due to such statements even scientists had to protest march against rising Pseudoscience , religious intolerance and paltry funding .
This is calculated taking 24 environmental factors under consideration and is considered the most important factor regardimg environment . Our rank is 177 out of 180 countries in 2018 as compared to 155 during UPA time which shows the DESTRUCTIVE performance of this government .
Our of 30 ost polluted cities 22 lie in India . It’s not all happened in NDA rule but there has also not been any strategic step to improve it as in a meeting regarding this 4 BJP CMs were absent showing lack of interest . SWATCH BHARAT ABHIYAAN though is celebrated a lot but is not that successful . NAMAMI GANGE Project which aimed at cleaning Ganga till 2019 but despite 20000 crore being allocated the condition has actually worsened in the last 3 years . MODI JI received CHAMPIONS OF THE EARTH Award for promoting solar energy but the government himself proved as a contradiction due to the government Tariffs and Policies . But it also took a remarkable step by banning PLASTIC BAGS completely by 2022 which was very much needed for protection of not just humans but also animals .
So this was my whole report card of MODI Government . I have not given marks or concluding statements after each category as I think my readers are smart enough to analyse how has the government performed in each sector . So you have the true facts in front of you , use them combined with your Brain and give the vote where it is deserved . But I will say DO VOTE and use your right even to NOTA if needed but do go for Voting without fail and lay the foundation stone for the future of INDIA .