Today, the movie that I am going to talk about has been named in the 100 BEST movies of All time by TIME Magazine in 2005. No, it is none of the names that are…
CHARLIE CHAPLIN…I am pretty sure that I don’t need to give any introduction about who he is. Almost all of us have seen some or other funny act of his. So, today I am going…
“I believe in America…!!!!!” 50 years ago a movie started with this dialogue and went on to become one of the greatest movies ever made. I am talking about THE GODFATHER. The gangster drama spanning…
In the era before the 1980s…there were classics, there were award-winning masterpieces but something like a record-breaking blockbuster was perhaps not into the scheme of things. Though Steven Spielberg and George Lucas did come up…
“मैं हिंदुस्तान हूँ, हिमालय मेरी सरहदों का निगेहबान है, गंगा मेरी पवित्रता की सौगंध, तारिख की फ़िदा से मैं अंधेरों और उजालों का साथी हूँ, और मेरी हाथों में संगमरमर की चादरों में लिपटी ये…
Close to a thousand series releases every year, but seldom does a series gets so close to you that you start feeling a part of it. After a long long time (after BREAKING BAD to…
So, as I promised I will also enter into writing some Movie/Series Blogs. The first movie with which I am starting this genre is ‘The Platform’. Now, those who don’t know it’s a Spanish satirical…
I am Arunesh. I am a content writer and blogger who just loves writing. Not just I hold great knowledge on a range of topics but I am also a master in creating new creative content. Watch out this space for some great writings on the web.