Hello DELHITES ….. Breathing … ????? HA HA ; well just kidding . I don’t think anyone needs any more introduction about the terrible breathing status there due to Air Pollution . People were not able to see nor breath as pathetic was the condition . It was said that this Air is capable enough to send a healthy person to ICU and was comparable to CHERNOBYL . Delhi CM ARVIND KEJRIWAL himself called Delhi a GAS CHAMBER .
Everyone was wearing masks , schools were shut and ODD-EVEN came back as usual . Well ….. just before the DIWALI night everyone was quite fine up there but after the heavy BOMBARDING on Diwali night , the SUN literally didn’t came out for a couple of days . When the Delhi Government was asked for the reason it said the prime reasons for this condition are Bursting Crackers on Diwali night and the excessive Stubble Burning coming from Punjab and Haryana .
I will come on the latter one a bit later first let me have a talk on former . See … I have also burst crackers but in my opinion there is a word called LIMIT which people often omit from their Life’s Dictionary . I strongly believe that without crackers the KICK of celebration remains missing but for a child it’s okay once you have grown up a sense of maturity should come in you . When RAM returned back DIYAS were lit not the crackers were burnt . BJP leader MANOJ TIWARI was distributing crackers , what message will it give when a central government leader is provoking to burn crackers despite CM KEJRIWAL’s request not to burn crackers . As long as we have such ILLITERATE RINKIYA KE PAPAS nothing is gonna happen . In addition this Hypocrite later tweeted that my Eyes are burning of Pollution and distributes Masks later showing his fake concern .
If you are living in a polluted city you need to be more Serious regarding this . Keep in mind even the SC gave the permission to burst crackers within 8 to 10 . Aren’t 2 hours enough for you all what you want the whole universe is burnt down , only then you will stop . What really annoys me is how people connect bursting less Crackers to ANTI-HINDU . I mean come on for Godssake ….. you want to burst crackers to prove you are a HINDU . Is it written in scriptures that you should destroy the surrounding environment . When you will have a Breathing related Disease and will be admitted to ICU your RAM isn’t coming to protect you . So use your FUCKING Brain . There was a good initiative by Delhi Government of LASER SHOW in CONNOUGHT PLACE which reaped high praises for giving Lighting Entertainment without Pollution .
Now we discuss on the STUBBLE BURNING the main issue of this Article . According to SAFAR the Indian Authority Air Regulator, almost half (46%) of the pollution in Delhi was caused by this only . The blame of course straightaway came over the Farmers of Punjab and Haryana . If we look at records , Punjab registered 31,267 and Haryana 4,288 cases of farm fires this season . Just one night before 5,953 farm fires were recorded in Punjab on a single day ….. now could you believe this … ?????
Following this SC straightaway ordered a complete halt on any such practice saying “ People are dying, this just cannot happen in a civilised country ” . It also reprimanded the Government for allowing this practice to take place . But both the chief ministers were found blaming each other only , Haryana CM MANOHAR LAL KHATTAR posted a satellite image on Twitter showing more crop burning cases in Punjab . But both ensured to stop such practices in the state . In Delhi also some measures were taken , ODD-EVEN was implemented , construction was halted , complete ban on fire crackers was put on . Within one day drastic fall was noted down in many places within Delhi only as compared to previous day .
But is it all enough . No ….. not at all , this stubble burning is not that easy a thing . Everyone is just scapegoating the farmers but does anyone ever want to know why the farmers has to take this step … I mean they are not that Mad to burn their whole crop residue . This issue is most prevalent in Punjab , Haryana and many districts of UP and is quickly spreading in the whole country . Now , try to understand this :
A Case Study
A Farmer named LAL SINGH CHADDHA urf RAMU KAKA from Punjab . He has an yearly income of 50,000 and has to fill the stomach of 7 people (1 wife , 2 parents , 3 children and himself of course) and 1 Cow . Also in ground reality Farmer’s income is not going to be Doubled by 2024 . He planted a crop around 6 months back and now the time has come for harvesting it . But the time span between cutting the Rice crop and planting his next Wheat crop is just around a week as after that the peak time will elapse . So now he will have to get rid of the crop residue and for doing that he will need to acquire a Tractor or any similar Equipment , Diesel of course for running it and Labour as well because the size of land is 10 Hectares and he can’t do it all alone . The equipment will cost him around 3500 and if he has to employ labour the cost may further rise by 1000-2000 . Other than that you know the price at which diesel is sold in the country despite crude oil prices falling way down . So all in all the combined price may come up to 6000-7000 .
Now tell me how will he be able to afford that much , it’s always easy for him to burn this whole damn thing and simply become Free . Oh FINE ….. first of all no one pays any heed to Stubble Burning until Pollution rises to uncontrollable level after which everyone becomes too conscious for pollution and it’s after that only that SC will announce a Fine of something around 2500 on each Farmer . Well ….. here paying Fine is 2-3 times cheaper than doing that Cumbersome disposing off process , that too only if he is identified among the 5000 Stubble Burners of that day . Also burning stubble adds carbon to stop soil and kills off all the Pests and Weeds . Though it also harms the soil by destroying all the Micronutrients present .
So what can he had done better . According to experts there are 3 Equipments which can help turn these residuals into something Useful :
BAILER : It cuts the waste into BAILS which can then be used as Fodder .
MULCHER : It cuts and spreads the waste on Fields so they cab serve as MULCH and nourish the soil .
HAPPY SEEDER : It plants the seeds of next crop in between the stubble left , which with time itself turns into Mulch . This one grabs the most attention but also has a few limitations such as it can’t work if the next crop is POTATO and not WHEAT .
But what RAMU could have done ? Couldn’t he have opted for these equipments instead of burning them ….. Well the answer is NO . Each of these equipment costs over a Lakh . How even in dream could he ever afforded that . Not just he , apart from him many more like him . Actually 70% of Haryana farmers own less than 10 acre of land . Other than that the price of their produce is continuously falling and that of Diesel is continuously rising . So in this situation why will any RAMU spare a thought for Environment when even their own Tomorrow is Unpredictable .
The same SC which ordered complete ban on stubble burning and imposing Fines on anyone who does so , also asked PUNJAB and HARYANA governments to pay Compensation to the Farmers as they don’t have any CHEAPER method to get rid of the Residue . But literally nothing was done in this regard . If just compensation had been paid this problem hadn’t arose at the first place . Well do you think that any politician pays any heed on Pollution or Farmers . I will give you two main instances here .
First , a Meeting took place in Delhi regarding Pollution where other than state government some officials from other departments and one MP had to be present . The only MP was GAUTAM GAMBHIR but he didn’t showed up as he was doing Commentary for IND v SA Test in Indore eating POHA and JALBEI and putting Selfie of that . I accept his clarification that he was Contract bound but, so was he before becoming MP , so when the public wholeheartedly Voted for you in front of a Laureate like ATISHI it is your responsibility to show some concern towards your post that too in such a sensible issue . Instead you are giving lame and shameful POLITICAL statements , “If Delhi’s pollution increased by Me eating Jalebi then I will stop eating it” .
Second , a Filmy HOUSE OF CARDS took place in Maharashtra Elections where finally SHIV SENA came to power with support of CONGRESS and NCP . But before that when the immense tussle was going on everytime two politicians met they just said “We weren’t discussing on forming the Government we were talking on the Farmer’s issue” . If really they were that much concerned towards farmers would the state of our Farmers be that what it is today .
So now let me come back to my topic for concluding it . See though I don’t have any expectations from any Government but it is my duty to suggest what should be done . First of all giving Compensation is a must where government should ensure that they don’t fail , but still it can be a Cumbersome process as the farmers will have to rub their shoes much while going to office collecting their money and defaults on govt’s side will mean they will either have to wait as long as the next season or they won’t get it at all .
So , in my opinion a better idea would be that Govt initiates a Scheme or Mission (whatever you say it) in which tractors , equipments and expert labours will be sent at all the spots where farming has been done , during the rice cutting and wheat planting season . Not only the farmers will be willing to let it happen but also the worked out residue can be distributed among the farmers of that land in the form of Fodder and Manure . Also , this whole pollution debate could be controlled by almost half . Well isn’t it a brilliant idea ….. Oh I am so SMART na … ?????? ….. HA HA .
Instead I would say we all should learn from people like GRETA THUNBERG the climate change activist who has garnered enough attention at 16 years of Age and despite all the Trollings and Criticisms she reached a level to speak at UN and become the TIME Person of the Year . I hope this idea is brought under the notice of Government and for that I would request you all to share it as much as you can . I know it was a bit late of me in writing it but it happened because of some other important topics ; but this topic is a very crucial one as well so it shouldn’t be missed . It’s a matter of Pollution , Breathing and Living for all of us .