URBAN NAXAL : What this New Term signifies

Nowadays a new term URBAN NAXAL is knocking our Doors . It is being said that DEMOCRACY is being Murdered and Freedom of expression is being Axed . To understand this term lets’s try to understand NAXALISM first . It is the biggest internal security threat as said by our Ex-Prime Minsiter Manmohan Singh . Every year many security personnels are killed by various attacks perpetrated by Naxalites . Although forces are trying very hard to pull out this red menace out of system but they are Clueless on whart measures to use for that .

It all started in 1967 during the uprising of Peasants in Naxalbari , West Bengal’s feudal society . Oppressive feudal lords known as JOTEDARS used to own lands and landless farmers and peasants used to work on those for little or say No Incentive . It lead to uprising , Jotedars to counter it they tried to manipulate land records to deceive the farmers but on 23rd March , the sharecropper BIGUL KISAN was beaten by Jotedars for ploughing a plot of land . Next day Inspector Sonam Wangdi was killed with a sea of arrows . The struggle intensified on 25 and police in order to supress it killed 9 women and 1 children . In following months struggle swept West Bengal and peasants took forearms and looted Jotedars and occupied land . A similar peasnt uprising also took place in Srikkakulam of Telangana region led by C. Pulla Reddy . Actually both thse movements were inspired by the Communist movement in China .

It also inspired other revolutionaries across the country . By 1972 the first phase of the so called LEFT WING EXTREMISM (Naxalism) deriving it’s name from Naxalbari village . For the next two decades armed movemnt remained subdued , localised until government started granting Mining Licenses to private and multinational corporations as part of LPG of 1990s .

Timeline: Maoist attacks

May 2013: At least 30 people, including tribal leader Mahendra Karma, killed in Bastar

April 2010: At least 76 CRPF personnel killed in Sukma

May 2010: 36 security personnel killed near Dantewada

June 2010: 27 soldiers killed in Narayanpur district

March 2007: 55 security personnel killed in Bastar

July 2007: 23 policemen killed

The man who is behind this Concept hasn’t got that recognition ; CHARU MAJUMDAR the man who was born in a Landlord family and joined CPI(M) , he took it upon himself to free Naxalbari from landlords and wrote 8 Hsitoric documents that led the base for am armed revolution in India . He was known for leading a simple and Unostentatious lifestyle and spent majority life helping Peasants as if their problems were his own . He was joined bu KANU SANGAL in the struggle .

Dr. BK BAHAKUL in his book POLITICAL VIOLENCE : A Study of National Movement in India ; has siad that the struggle went Violent because the masses are frustrated due to the perceived Injustice and thus they take Violence route . He wrote that Naxal Violence is directly related to the Intensity against that Deprivation and Commitment to take revenge against those who are believed to be responsible for the Denial .

PEOPLE’S WAR GROUP (PWG) established in 1976 was active in Andhra Pradesh while MAOIST COMMUNIST CENTRE (MCC) held meetings in the eastern state of Bihar . The CPI (Marxist) Leninist-Janashakti formed in 1992 has presence in 3 states Maharashtra , Chattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh commanding a Cadre of 250-300 . Current phase of Maoist Rebellion began in 2004 , when PWG merged with MCC to form the CPI which is BANNED in India . The Tritiya Prastuti Committee (TPC) is a Splinter group of CPI based in Jharkhand having about 500 cadres .

Around 84 million reside in Central and Eastern parts are residence of ADIVASIS and indigenous people ; renewed mining activity pose a threat to their livelihoods as most of them are farmers and landless mostly in Poverty .

Maoists from Andhra Pradesh helped organise Tribes in Chattisgarh over the issue of land rights and dispalcemnt in 1980s . They helped them keeping , gyarding and redistribution of land ; so lots of local people joined them . Since 2000s when Mining was initiated , State has emerged as a stronghold of Maoists .

The main members and supporters of Naxalism are Dalits and Adivasis who feel marginalised . So their Foothold lies in tribal areas in Andhra Pradesh , Maharashtra and covering parts of Jharkhand , Madhya Pradesh , Orissa , Chattisgarh and Tamul Nadu . It was confirmed by the Home Ministry in 2012 that Naxalites have spread to galf of the country and have also set up Bases at Andhra-Arunachal Border . The problem has reached a Status where Government has stopped looking at it as law and order problem and more as a Socioeconomic problem related to Poverty . The government has formed an “Empowered Group of Ministers” to counter the Naxalism problem . It wants to allocatefunds to affected villages and launched Police Modernisation Scheme to tackle Violence . There are Schemes like PRADHAN MANTRI GRAM SADAK YOJANA (PMGSY) , NREGA , BHARAT NIRMAN , NATIONAL RURAL HEALTH MISSION (NRHM) , SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN (SSA) , INTEGRATED CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (ICDS) ; etc.

There are indeed reported atrocities against tribal people in the country, however, violence, as seen over the years, is not a good option. It only multiplies dead bodies and shrinks the margin of trust between the state and its citizens. People who have left red violence and come to the mainstream are the examples of beginning a new life all over again .

The CPI wants to gain the state control through people’s war . Their Military Strategy is based on the Chinese revolutionary leader MAO ZEDONG . “The immediate aim of the party is to accomplish the New Democratic Revolution in India by overthrowing imperialism, feudalism and comprador bureaucratic capitalism only through the Protracted People’s War … The ultimate aim of the party is to bring about communism” .

Peoples Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) is also an armed wing of CPI(M) . It’s exact no. is not known but it’s estimated between 8000 to 10000 . Total of Maoist cadres ranges between 10000 to 15000 even 25000 ; but govt. figure is much lower . As per an official statement by KIRAN RIJUJU in Parliament : Exact no. is around 8500 but the supporters are very large in no.s .

The Maoist Control popularly known as RED CORRIDOR is spread across Jharkhand , Chattisgarh , Odisha and Andhra Pradesh has been dwindling as government has sent Tens and Thousands of parliamentary forces in affected areas . Their presence has considerably gone down from nearly 200 districts across 20 states until a decade ago to 106 districts across 10 states . During UPA reign Manmohan Singh launched a security mission called OPERATION GREEN HUNT . But this has also led to lot of Blood-Shed ; as around 100 have been killed this year only and 500 were killed last year . This no. becomes more Staggering when counted from 1980 ; it’s 20000 .

The other side of this story is that some of the Security Personnels appointed for serving the nation have been accused of sexual abuse and mass killing of innocent Adivasis . Those human rights activists and journalists have been targetted for reporting these incidents . Maoists recruit villagers , sometime by Kidnapping for their Operation and later these villagers become Vulnerable to arrest and torture . Maoists also kidnap , kill and torture them accusing them of being Oolice Informers . Chattisgarh is backing such groups like SALWA JUDUM accused of killings and rapes . it was outlawed Supreme Court in 2005 . Many such Vigilant groups have emerged in recent times due to the backing of government .

According to Dr Lakhan Singh, president of the People’s Union for Civil Liberties – Chattisgarh is still undergoing a situation of CIVIL WAR but Indian government is not declaring it an issue of Internal Conflict . Government has already deployed more than 100000 Troops ; one third of them are parliamentary forces to root out five decade old armed rebellion . It has led to the death of 2000 from 1995 . Alone in the Bastar region there are 36000 personnels ;ie, 55 officers per person ,second to Afghanistan which 1 officer for 150 people .

It’s really a very concerning topic as we can see that Naxalism not only diverts much of our security workforce but also many Youth are involved in these activities . Those youth who should be serving the nation with their Skills are just wasting thier Life and country’s resources . Security personnels deployed there can be used in such Critical areas which are continuously on the Radar of Our Enemies . Drastic steps should be taken in this field and one such step by the MODI Government which I really appreciate is the Offer of Giving up Naxalism in return of some Money and assistance in garnering Job . Apart from this government is also working on breaking these Naxal groups and bringing the Youth back in mainstream workforce . According to Home Minister RAJNATH SINGH government has cracked many success and will be doing the same in future . I hope these step helps in removing this DISEASE from our Country .

Now let’s head on to the main topic we were discussing URBAN NAXAL . Actually this whole Nonsnese started when The Pune police on Tuesday detained 4 alleged Maoist sympathisers, viz., Varavara Rao, Vernon Gonsalves, Sudha Bharadwaj and Arun Ferreira, in what is being called as the biggest crackdown on ‘Urban Naxals’ .

After Delhi High Court stayed the detention of GAUTAM NAVLAKHA so he was put under House Arrest . All search warrants and detentions were carried out under anti-terror UAPA law and IPC sections 153A, 505(1)(b), 117, 120(b) and 34 . Top officials have confirmed to Republic TV that all those detained are a part of Urban Naxal committee involved in all the Naxal activities happened recently and hence are called URBAN NAXALS . Top Pune police officials have also confirmed the same as they undertook Raids on them after getting suspected to have Maoist links in connection with BHIMA-KORGEON violence.

Bhima-Gorgeon violence referers to a Violent Calshes which broke out in Bhima -Korgeon village of Pune district on January 2 which led to death of 1 and injury of several others . The violence started at an event of Elgar Parishad, attended by a huge crowd of Dalits at Perne village on the Pune-Ahmednagar Road to mark the 200th year of the Battle of Bhima Koregaon . The Battle of Koregaon was fought between the British East India Company and Pesha faction at Koregaon Bhima on January 1, 1818 . After defending their position for nearly 12 hours, the British East India Company had defeated the Peshwas and to commemorate this Historic victory a VICTORY PILLAR is erected at Koregaon village . It is very special for Dalits as name of 29 Dalits along with other soldiers are featured here . Soon it became a Memorial of Dalits sognifying their victory iver upper caste oppression . Later on Jan 1, 1927 ; BR Ambedkar visited the site following which his Followers started visiting that place every year to mark his visit .

Earlier this year during Commeration of Bhima-Korgeon , turn of events led to violent clashes in Maharashtra even in Mumbai region . After that 5 people were arrested by the Pune Police for allegedly delivering hate speeches and distributing disputed pamphlets .

Later in June while delivering a speech CP of Pune , RAVINDRA KADAM said that their Links were confirmed by the information and material they got ; even some were charged earlier . A paper containing RAJIV GANDHI type assassination plot for the murder of prime minister NARENDRA MODI was also found which is really a big issue as security of the country leader is a big concern . After tgat some other attacks done by them also got exposed which were undertaken under the guidance of Naxal sympathiser Varavara Rao and comrade Surendra Gadling . However, after the 5 arrests, Arun Ferreira, the lawyer of Surendra Gadling had accused the police of fabricating the papers, recovered during the raids to link the incident with Maoists, instead of finding the real cause behind the Bhima-Koregaon violence .

Now let’s see the professions of the 5 arrested :

Maoist sympathiser and writer Varavara Rao has been detained in Hyderabad under UAPA or Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Rao is one of the founders of Virasam, the popular acronym for Viplava Rachayitala Sangam (RevolutionaryWriters’ Association).The association is infamous for supporting and propagating Naxal ideology.

Sudha Bharadwaj has been detained under UAPA, whose letter to one comrade Prakash was exposed by Republic TV on July 4 . The accessed letter allegedly established a link between urban Naxals and Kashmiri separatists. Sudha Bharadwaj , who is living in Chhattisgarh for 29 years now is a representation of multiple organisations, including Jagdalpur Legal Aid and Bastar Solidarity Network .

Human rights activist Gautam Navlakha has been put under house arrest in Delhi under anti-terror act. Navlakha, who had in past in Kashmir, was currently focussing his area of work in Chhattisgarh, whose large parts are under Maoists’ influence.

Vernon Gonsalves has been detained in Mumbai. In past, too, he had spent time in jail for his alleged links with banned Maoist groups. He was picked up by Maharashtra ATS on August 19, 2007, on charges of having Naxal links and for possessing explosives.

Arun Ferreira was detained in Mumbai. He is a human rights activist, who has been accused of having alleged links with Maoists. He was also the lawyer of Sudhir Dhawale and had accused the Pune police of fabricating papers to link Bhima-Koregaon incident with Maoists .

So here we find that these personalities have been arrested on the basis of Naxal links . But that letter containing Modi Assassination seems a Big Lie . Just imagine that Naxalites wrote the whole plan on a paper and then slept and somehow they were arrested and police also got that Paper . Now BJP is shouting that Opposition wants to kill MODI to Garner Sympathy of the nation . In my opinion it’s just a FLOP plan by the ruling party .

So if Letter is a Fake then it may also happen that all the links gathered are also Fake and as the accusations are it’ s amove by government to crush the Voices against them . But this has two faces just like a Coin ; if the infos gathered are True then those arrested deserve treatment accordingly . So as investigation is going on in addition with the hearings going in the Supreme Court , weight should be put on extracting the Truth as directly making a statement without knowing the truth is Unfair and Irrational . So let’s get to Truth and then frame a fair and unbiased conclusion . But initially out Focus should be to reach Nothing But TRUTH .


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