The Tragedy of Kashmiri Pandits

Imagine notices and posters being printed for your killing outside your locality, people being assaulted through targeted killings and you have to vacate the house where you spent your life all of a sudden. Well…this…

MUGHAL-E-AZAM: An Immerse into the Epic

“मैं  हिंदुस्तान हूँ, हिमालय मेरी सरहदों का निगेहबान है, गंगा मेरी पवित्रता की सौगंध, तारिख की फ़िदा से मैं अंधेरों और उजालों का साथी हूँ, और मेरी हाथों में संगमरमर की चादरों में लिपटी ये…

NFTs: Let's Decode this Buzzz

NFTs…well I am damn sure you would have heard his word for some 100 times by now, after all, it is the talk of the town. People are earning millions by selling their works digitally….

YES...it is okay to support PAKISTAN

24th October 2021, it was India versus Pakistan,  which is rightly described as ‘War Minus Shooting’ by Mike Marqusee in his book. Little needs to be said how intense and emotional India v Pakistan matches…

The Graveyard called AFGHANISTAN

I don’t think I need to tell anyone about the scenario in Afghanistan right now. Whether it is the videos of people trying to climb on an aeroplane or whether it is the videos of…

Why one needs Sex Education ?

Aashish is an innocent, introverted and shy boy aged 15. He comes from a very conservative and strict family. Now, neither is he interested in knowing deeply about Sex and nor did the environment at…

About Me

Hi, everyone…I am Arunesh. I am a blogger and content creator and have been doing this for the last five years. Till now, it was on the free version of WordPress and still had very…