HOLOCAUST : A Life into the Horrors

HOLOCAUST … what comes to your mind when you hear this word. Is it some images, some faces or some voices … or nothing because you know about it only as one of the many…

POSCO : Let's Ponder Upon It

POSCO Act … I don’t think that you all hadn’t heard about this as this was rightly in news very recently. PROTECTION OF CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL OFFENCES (POSCO) Act is aimed for protecting small female…

Decoding the Budget 2021-22

So … 1st of February … the day when every newspaper turns out a booklet and every Indian turns out an Economist. Just like any other year this year also the Budget was delivered by…

A Gentleman in Moscow : ALEXEI NAVELNY

ALEXEI NAVALNY … at the moment is the name echoed in all corners of Russia. Not just his supporters but even his opposers are taking his name just too often. So … who is this…

Being TOO LEFTIST this time

LEFT … what is this left? No I am not talking about walking on the left side of the road, but what I am saying is the Leftist or would rather say COMMUNIST ideology. The…

ANGEL TAX : A Complex Tax Story

Angel Tax … the word itself is so complex. While, on one hand our prime minister was promoting Startups in the young with young ideas, on the other hand those entrepreneurs were fighting a complex…