The GODFATHER: Greatest Classic of All Time

“I believe in America…!!!!!” 50 years ago a movie started with this dialogue and went on to become one of the greatest movies ever made. I am talking about THE GODFATHER. The gangster drama spanning…

TOP GUN: The Stylish Aviation Classic

In the era before the 1980s…there were classics, there were award-winning masterpieces but something like a record-breaking blockbuster was perhaps not into the scheme of things. Though Steven Spielberg and George Lucas did come up…


Pakistan…even though is our neighbour country but it is very little that we know about the country. And…when it comes to their politics, it’s even lesser than we know. It is divided into four major…

2011 WORLD CUP from the Eyes of a Kid

I was 10 years old back then. I had just started watching Cricket and only two things mattered to me at that time…SACHIN TENDULKAR scoring a 100 and INDIA winning. Anything less than that would…

The Tragedy of Kashmiri Pandits

Imagine notices and posters being printed for your killing outside your locality, people being assaulted through targeted killings and you have to vacate the house where you spent your life all of a sudden. Well…this…

RUSSIA-UKRAINE War: It's Humanity v Greed

A building was bombarded…and then another building got bombarded…and then one more and one more. Someone was just leaving his wife and daughter as he had to stay back serving his country. Someone lost his…

SAMOSA: The Royal Snack Next Door

Imagine for a moment that you are hungry and in search of a snack next door, which dish you w. Imagine you are passing by local snack shops, which food item you are most probable…

MUGHAL-E-AZAM: An Immerse into the Epic

“मैं  हिंदुस्तान हूँ, हिमालय मेरी सरहदों का निगेहबान है, गंगा मेरी पवित्रता की सौगंध, तारिख की फ़िदा से मैं अंधेरों और उजालों का साथी हूँ, और मेरी हाथों में संगमरमर की चादरों में लिपटी ये…